This project contains the code to generate, run and test a Swiss-style[1] tournament results database. It is intended for educational purposes only in fulfillment of the "Project 2: Tournament Results" for the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program.
- VirtualBox installation (
- Vagrant installation (
- Clone of Vagrant VM for ud197 (git clone fullstack)
To run the test suite (exercising all of the Python functions for the tournament database):
From a GitHub shell:
- cd fullstack/vagrant
- vagrant up (you can turn off the VM with 'vagrant halt')
- vagrant ssh (from here you can type 'exit' to log out)
- cd /vagrant/tournament
- psql -f tournament.sql
- python
Test suite provided by Udacity. tournament database schema (tournament.sql) and Python functions written by Erika Navara.