This DBMS mini project is developed using Django(Python) and PostgreSQL as RDBMS.
Steps to run the project in Windows:
- Install python in your system.
- Install PostgreSQL in your system.
- Create a database named as "pmt_act" using PgAdmin.
- Create a virtual environment in the master directory by using following command in command prompt: python -m venv pa_env (here pa_env is the name of virtual environment which i may use your own name. )
- Activate the virtual environment by: pa_env\Scripts\activate
- Download all the required modules and dependencies of the project using: pip install (Don't use angular brackets.)
- All the required dependencies can be viewed in requirements.txt. (For example: First you should install django package:- pip install django)
- After installing all the required modules issue migrations for creating database: python makemigrations pmt_act; python migrate
- Check whether database is created in PgAdmin by refreshing.
- After the database is created you can run the server by issuing this command: python runserver
- Open localhost:8000 in your browser to start the app with index page.
Thank You!!! For further queries contact the owner of this repo. Enjoy!! Happy Coding.