I'm a passionate technologist with particular interest in decentralization and distributed systems.
Throughout my professional career I have had the chance to work in amazing teams in domains like: financial derivatives pricing, trading, arbitrage, risk calculation, hedging, insurance pricing, wallet infrastructure development, financial fund tokenization (web3), dapp and smart contract development, etc. (my full cv is found here: http://www.bun.do/cvenibundoen.pdf)
In terms of stack nowadays I mostly do typescript, node, react, nextJs, rust, solidity, terraform, aws and usually work in a distributed architecture using microservices and messaging brokers. I consider myself quite flexible in terms of tech stack and like to learn continously.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about COW protocol, Solvers, MEV and flashbots
- 🔭 I’m currently working on blockchain implementation in Rust (for fun 😄)
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on blockchain or finance projects