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To reduce the size of your local WordPress installation while still being able to access media files, you can configure your local Nginx server to proxy requests for media files to your production site.
Navigate to the Nginx Configuration Directory
- Go to the root directory of your local WordPress installation.
- Navigate to the
Create a New Configuration File
- Create a new file named
in the/conf/nginx
- Create a new file named
Add Proxy Configuration
- Paste the following content into the
file, replacinghttps://www.mediaengagement.org/wp-content/uploads/
with the URL of your production site's uploads directory:location ~ ^/wp-content/uploads/(.*) { if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/wp-content/uploads/(.*) https://www.mediaengagement.org/wp-content/uploads/$1 redirect; } }
- Paste the following content into the
Modify the Main Nginx Configuration File
- Open the
file in the/conf/nginx
directory. - Locate the WordPress rules section:
# # WordPress Rules # {{#unless site.multiSite}} include includes/wordpress-single.conf; {{else}} include includes/wordpress-multi.conf; {{/unless}}
- Add the following lines after the WordPress rules section to include the
file:# # Proxy requests to the upload directory to the production site # include uploads-proxy.conf;
- Open the
Save and Restart
- Save the changes to the
file. - Restart your local site using the Local by Flywheel control panel.
- Save the changes to the
Verify the Configuration
- Load your local site in the browser to ensure that the images are now being loaded from the production site's uploads directory.
Make sure you have logins for the WordPress site (mediaengagement.org), wpengine, and the appropriate permissions for the Github repository. You might have to talk to the lead developer and your manager to get this taken care of.
Then visit the README and get your local environment set up. Using an IDE like Atom or Visual Studio Code makes life easier when it comes to version control and syntax checking, but this is all up to preference.
Once the website is working properly on your machine, you're good to begin working. We have a system of tracking ongoing projects using Github issues that you'll use eventually. There will be some projects that don't require any code to be written as you'll be working solely in the admin panel of WordPress. When the time to code does come around, you'll need to follow the steps that we take to keep versioning sound so everyone can work independently. Please read the Wiki on Git Usage to get an understanding of how branching and taking on a project is handled.
Finally, talk to the lead developer and your manager to figure out what would be the best project to get you familiar with WordPress and our code.
If you haven't worked with WordPress before, I encourage you to traverse the admin panel on your local site. Break some things, fix them, change some posts, do anything you think will help you gain familiarity. If something breaks on your local, you can always git reset --hard origin/master
to get back to a working version at the cost of losing your changes. So create new branches and commit often.
When it comes to the code, you'll be working under the engage directory ~/Local Sites/mediaengagementorg/app/public/wp-content/themes/engage
. It will take some time to get used to the structure and knowing where in the code you need to access for your project. To help get you going in the right direction, if the change you're making is to the front-end you'll want to look inside the templates folder and scss under assets. Backend logic and querying happen inside of PHP files, the src folder has a lot of it, but there are some lose PHP files out and about.
It might be a little overwhelming at first, but after a couple of weeks, things will begin to make sense. You'll be on your way to making big changes in no time. Don't hesitate to ask for help from each other if you get stuck. Welcome to the CME team!
the long version
Download and install the WP Engine Local App.
The Local App is a WP Engine program that allows you to easily set up a WordPress environment on your local computer.
- After download choose your platform
- Fill in your information
- Download and Save the installation package to your computer
- Open the installation package for Local on your computer
- Follow the installation setup prompts
- Launch Local on your computer
Enable wpe api and generate credentials
- Open the API Access page of your WP Engine User Portal:
- Locate the account name you wish to enable access for
- Click Manage
- Toggle Account API Access to on
- Click Generate Credentials to return to the previous page
- Click the Generate Credentials button at the top
- Leave this page open for easy access in the next step
Connect Local to WP Engine
- Open the Local application on your computer
- Click Connect at the top left
- Select WP Engine
- Copy and paste your WPE API credentials, from the previous step
Pull to Local from WP Engine
- This process needs to take place the very first time you pull to Local from WP Engine. ** If you are not added as a user on the remote WP install add your user profile via phpMyAdmin.
- Ensure you’ve already connected Local to your WP Engine account
- Open Local on your computer
- Go the Connect tab
- Locate a Site in the list
- Choose whether or not to include the database, if you include the database then you can skip steps 6 and 7
(Optional) In wp-config.php: keep debug warnings from displaying on the front end
define( 'WPE_CLUSTER_ID', '0' ); define('WP_DEBUG', false); ini_set('display_errors','Off'); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL ); define('WP_DEBUG', false); define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
- (Optional) Download database from WP Engine
- In WP Engine Portal visit cmengage from Sites tab
- phpMyAdmin tab
- In phpMyAdmin click wp_cmengage tab
- Export top tab
- Export method: select “Custom” bullet
- Scroll to bottom of page and click Go
- if timeout occurs on export select 50% of tables in “Tables:” and export, then select the final 50% and export.
- (Optional) Move database download to Local socket.
Upload the database file downloaded from phpMyAdmin in step 14.
mysql -uroot -proot -h localhost --socket "/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Local/run/EzKVmKywD/mysql/mysqld.sock" local < /Users/[USERNAME]/Downloads/wp_cmengage.sql
replace with your local computer username -
replace path to downloaded database file in step 14. -
Local spins up a specific instance of mysql that's used only by that site -EzKVmKywD
being a unique ID to the site you have. If you were on a production server, you'd normally just use mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD to get connected.- To find this unique ID:
cd /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application\ Support/Local/run/
- The unique ID should be listed.
- To find this unique ID:
- Edit the wp_config file
- Go to the line containing
/** MySQL database password */
- Ensure the password and username are 'root'. The host should be
- Go to the line containing
- Edit ~/Local Sites/mediaengagementorg/app/public/wp-content/enp-quiz-config.php
- Comment out the following lines inside the else
echo 'unknown quiz config path for '.$site; die;
- This is a temporary fix for quiz-tool, if you end up working on quiz tool you will need to redo the pathing below the if structure.
- Comment out the following lines inside the else
- In the Local App under the Local Sites tab click View Site button to open
- the site(http://localhost:10000/) &
- Admin button to open the WP admin(http://localhost:10000/wp-admin/).
- Connecting/syncing with github
- cd into ~/Local Sites/mediaengagementorg/app/public and enter the following commands
git init git remote add origin https://github.com/engagingnewsproject/enp-platform.git
- If you are re-adding the origin and get a
Remote origin already exists
error run:git remote set-url origin https://github.com/engagingnewsproject/enp-platform.git
- And then fetch from origin:
git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master
- At this point your directory should now be connected with our repo and up to date with master.
- Small aside, if you need to update your database, pull from WPENGINE again and include the database.
- cd into ~/Local Sites/mediaengagementorg/app/public and enter the following commands
- Browser refreshing (browsersync)
- cd into ~/Local Sites/mediaengagementorg/app/public/wp-content/themes/engage
- Enter the command
npm install
- Edit webpack.mix.js to make sure the browsersync proxy field is the url of your Local site host.
- If you run into any issues (localhost:3000 opens to a blank screen), check your node version:
node -v
. At the time of writing, make sure you are using node v16.13.2. To manage node versions: NVM. exnvm install 16.13.2
andnvm use 16.13.2
. - To view live scss or css changes while developing run
npm run watch
. Ignore the errors for now if it's working. - When done developing,
^ + c
, and minify for productionnpm run production
- Google Doc installation instructions
- Center for Media Engagement Github
- WP Engine Portal
- Mastering Markdown
- Google Docs to Markdown
- Update PHP upload max file limit.
- Composer install not allowing vendor?
- Using the GitHub Desktop Client
- WP Engine WP CLI
Connect to site (replace environment
with site name.):
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/wpengine_rsa -o IdentitiesOnly=yes [email protected]
Activate default WP theme:
wp theme activate twentytwentyone --skip-themes
Get directory sizes:
$ du -h --max-depth 1
See the npm
commands section
A collection of general tips and rules of thumb when coding and building a project.
For example:
- will the change increase the weight of our page?
- will the change increase our load time?
For example:
- importing jQuery for one thing when the site doesn't need it otherwise
- including the entire Font Awesome icon set when you only need 5 icons.
- using Bootstrap. You likely don't need to use Bootstrap for one of our projects.
Clever can be fun, but always at the risk of complicating things and making life more difficult for your future self and others. Opt for unglamorous, simple code to save yourself a headache down the road.
If being clever is going to save you a lot of time or be a big performance boost, be sure to put it in a very simple, well-documented standalone function or module with a simple name that clearly explains what it does, why it should be done this way, and how it works.
When writing a new function, make sure that it accomplishes one, specific thing. This keeps the code:
- more testable,
- easier to debug,
- easier to read / understand,
- easier to maintain
Some rules of thumb. You probably need to break apart your function into several smaller functions if:
- if you have a really long function name
- if your function code is many lines long or has many steps
This advice isn't in order to stop you from asking questions, but because some of the best learning happens when you think hard about trying to figure it out on your own. Google it. Read an article or two. Chances are you'll learn something, even if it doesn't lead you to the exact thing you needed to know.
- what you're trying to solve
- why you need to solve it
- what you've already tried
- helps you organize your thoughts
- gives you a chance to think about the problem in a different way
- often leads you to the correct answer
I'd estimate 30% of the time I've written a detailed question, I figure out the answer before I finish writing it or right after I ask it :)
When people have different format on save rules, it makes it really hard to review Pull Requests (PR). For example, if one person uses a two tab vs four spacing autoformat on save, the PR will show everyone of those lines from the file as a change rather than just the work that was completed. So, maybe you made one small change, but now every line in the file is shown as a change. This makes it difficult to identify the real change.
When writing a query or requesting data, it's best to get just what you need (or will likely need) rather than
- Look at the existing code base and see if it makes sense for code to be in one place or another. If it doesn't have an obvious place, create a new file using the existing standards of the code.
That's it.
CSS uses specificity to determine which rules get applied. The rule with the highest specificity will get used.
body .classname p { color: red; }
would win overp { color: blue; }
A few tips:
- Don't use
, as those increase the specificity a lot - Use classnames or HTML elements to target things
- Try to keep two levels deep at the most, like:
.classname-one .classname-two {}
. - Ideally keep things one level deep:
.classname__item {}
This helps keep specificity low and helps you organize your code. Google it to find out more. Here's the basics:
is like the root element or block -
is the element underneath the block. Use__
to indicate this. -
is the modifier of the element/block. Use--
to do this. - Don't bother doing more than one element, even if it is technically built that way. For example,
would technically be used for this structure<article><h1><a></a></h1></article>
, but it's really annoying and doesn't benefit that much. Just give it a unique element name like.article__title-link
Engage CSS is compiled with SCSS.
- When you start up your dev environment with
npm run watch
changes to SCSS files located in theassets/scss
directory are compiled (via theassets/scss/app.scss
file) toengage/dist/css/app.css
. - When running
npm run production
at the end of your development sessionengage/dist/css/app.css
is minified for the production environment.
Since we use mobile first design the first properties you call on an element will be for the mobile display. The same with @supports at-rule.
This way you shouldn't really ever have to use @include media($mobile)
mixin because you identify the mobile styles first. Just as will the fallback (flex) rules. So you wont have to use the not
keyword in the @supports
rules. They are simply the default :)
For example:
.archive__content {
display; block; // for mobile we want the content to span the entire width so we set it to block.
@include media($tablet) {
display: grid; // for all screensizes larger than tablet we want a flex layout.
flex-flow: row wrap;
flex: 0 0 80%; // for tablets we want the sidebar to be next to the content so we allow it 20%.
@include media($laptop) {
flex: 0 0 85%; // for desktop screens we want the content to allow 15% (a bit less) for the sidebar.
@supports (display: grid) { // at the end of our rule we add out styles for browsers that support grid layout.
grid-column: 1 / -1;
@include media($tablet) {
grid-column: 3 / -1; // we can get real crafty and add the media query mixin inside of the @supports rule.
A simple breakdown:
- Styles for mobile and older browsers(aka fallback rules)
- Styles for larger screens
rules for supporting browsers. Within the@supports
at-rules refer back to #1 (mobile first, then larger screens).
As a general rule try to use the mixins and variables as much as you can. This will ensure design continuity and better code maintenance for future devs. A good example is the $spacer
variable. If we always use this variable, or the other variants that apply ($spacer-sm
, $spacer-md
, $spacer-lg
ext.) we can easily change them in one file. Same with mixins.
See the assets/scss/global/_mixins.scss
For PHONES use:
@include media($mobile) {
.home-section {
margin: $spacer;
this outputs:
@media (min-width: 400px) {
.home-section {
margin: 1.6rem;
TIP: you should generally not have to use the $mobile
mixin because we use mobile first design so the first properties you call on an element will be for the mobile display.
@include media($phablet) {
.selector {
@media (min-width: 600px) {}
For TABLETS use:
@include media($tablet) {
.selector {
- outputs:
@media (min-width: 800px) {}
For LAPTOPS use:
@include media($laptop) {
.selector {
@media (min-width: 1000px) {}
For DESKTOP use:
@include media($desktop) {
.selector {
@media (min-width: 1200px) {}
TIP: if you add 'max' before the device name your media query will output a 'max-width:' up to the number right below the 'min-width:' values above.
For example:
@include media('max', $desktop) {
.selector {
@media (max-width: 1199px) {
.selector {
. . . and so on for the other media query mixins
@supports (display:grid){}
-- Mozilla Documentation
VIDEO: Finding a template file
Engage is based on the Timber Framework using the Twig templating engine. Explore the links below to learn more.
Read through our Issue Tracking and Git Usage wiki for details.
Find your fields and repo template file.
When working on an existing page the best way to find the fields associated with that page is to
- visit the page,
- edit the page,
- open the custom fields in a new tab with the gear icon in the fields header:
You will then have access to the field names, which you can copy and search the repo code to find the associated template.
- Export/Import new fields
Once you are done on your local dev site, you will need to export your new ACF's for import on the Dev, Staging & Production site.
- On your local dev site WP Admin dashboard navigate to Custom Fields/Tools.
- Select your custom fields and click Export.
- Log in to the Dev site WP Admin dashboard and navigate to Custom Fields/Tools.
- Import the file you exported from your Local Dev site.
- Repeat steps 1-4 for the Staging and Production sites.
Basically the whole site archive structure is powered by queries set in src/Managers/Permalinks.php
. We've overridden the default queries so we can set our own queries with the verticals added in. There may be a better way to do this, but this way at least gets us a very specific way of modifying the query based on a pretty URL.
To adjust a query, you'll need to add/modify the query in src/Managers/Permalinks.php
and then re-save the permalinks in Settings->Permalinks.