Editmode is a CMS for your mobile app copy. Editmode frees your copy from your codebase, allowing your entire team to manage and collaborate on content from a single place.
Use npm to install Editmode:
npm install editmode-react-native
import { Editmode } from "editmode-react-native";
export default function App() {
return (
<Editmode projectId={project_id}>
<App />
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In order to render app copy, you'll need to wrap it in the <Chunk />
The most basic way to render content is to pass in the identifier of your chunk on the Editmode platform.
import { Chunk } from "editmode-react-native";
function Example() {
return (
<Chunk identifier="cnk_b6d6754b2cf6c59a7847" />
For better readability, you can opt to pass in the content key of your chunk on the Editmode platform.
import { Chunk } from "editmode-react-native";
function Example() {
return (
<Chunk contentKey="simple_chunk_example" />
import { Chunk } from "editmode-react-native";
function Example() {
return (
<Chunk contentKey="welcome_message" variables={{first_name:"Joe"}} />
As you may have inferred, the above examples rely on the Editmode API to serve content. This carries speed and uptime considerations. To address this, you may also specify your own fallback content, in a number of ways.
import { defaultChunks } from "./data/defaultChunks";
import { Chunk } from "editmode-react-native";
function Example() {
return (
<Editmode projectId={project_id} defaultChunks={defaultChunks} >
{/* The following chunk will first check the content in defaultChunks before hitting the API. */}
<Chunk identifier="cnk_b6d6754b2cf6c59a7847" />
Want to automate your tooling or workflow and generate your resource file programatically? You can use the content returned from the GET Chunks API endpoint.
import { Chunk } from "editmode-react-native";
function Example() {
return (
{/* The following chunk show the inline content before fetching content from our API. */}
<Chunk contentKey="welcome_message">Welcome to our app!</Chunk>
By default every image rendered using Editmode is sized 50px in height and 50px in width. You can override those sizes by passing imageHeight
and imageWidth
as props.
function Example() {
return (
<Editmode projectId="prj_h3Gk3gFVMXbl">
<Chunk identifier="cnk_14a3902640051246876f" imageHeight={500} imageWidth={200} />
Sizes passed through imageHeight
and imageWidth
are in pixels.
You may want to refresh all your contents to make sure your user see the right contents in your app. You can use the refreshChunks
function to force update your localstorage with the recent version of your contents from Editmode Contet Hub.
onPress={() => refreshChunks()}
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Eric Clemmons 📖 🚇 💻 |
Jen Villaganas 💻 📖 |
Bos Eriko Reyes 💻 📖 🚇 |
tonyennis145 📖 |
Jen Villaganas 📖 💻 |
Francis Bulus 📖 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!