Higher-Order Component that adds ability for object to be re-constructed from JSON string properly preserving given Class behavior.
In the class that you want to enhance with this HOC
import Json2ObjHOC from 'json2obj-hoc'
Then declare your class and at the end export
as Higher-Order Component
class Account {
// have to make publicKey optional for json2Obj HOC to work
// (object must support a constructor with no parameters)
constructor({ publicKey } = { publicKey: '' }) {
this.publicKey = publicKey
this.balance = 0
this.stake = 0
// this method defines behavior of Account data type,
// which will be preserved after you deserialize the object from JSON
addBalance({ amount }) {
this.balance += amount
export default Json2ObjHOC(Account) // enhancing Account
Wrapping Account
with Json2ObjHOC
adds 2 methods to Account
which is self explanatory -- returns JSON string representation of the object.
which returns object instance of correct type.
Here are examples how to use the Account
import Account from './account'
let account = new Account({ publicKey: 'some public key' }) // constructor with required parameter
const amount = 100
account.addBalance({ amount })
const jsonAccount = account.stringify()
// jsonAccount will have the right amount
// now let's re-created another instance of the Account object from JSON string
const generatedAccount = new Account().parse(jsonAccount)
// can still call the addBalance method, because the object is of the right type
generatedAccount.addBalance({ amount })
console.log(generatedAccount.balance) // ----> 200
Currently only synch version is supported. There are plans to include asynch methods at some point.