A simple command to start any project. Run the command to generate a .gitignore, .gitattributes, .editorconfig, README.md and a LICENSE with a one-line command.
Currently, it is compatible with Node >= 8.0.0
npm install -g poketask
It is recommended to execute the command after npm init in your project's root folder. It will then generate a README.md, LICENSE, .gitignore, .gitattributes and .editorconfig.
poketask init
$ poketask init
With poketask you`ll be able to generate the following files:
README.md, LICENSE, .gitignore, .gitattributes & .editorconfig
Press ^C at any time to quit.
? package name: my-package
? description: description here
? author name: Pablo Marmol
? license: mit
? gitignore templates: node laravel visualstudiocode
.editorconfig created
.gitattributes created
.gitignore created with VisualStudioCode.gitignore, Node.gitignore, Laravel.gitignore
LICENSE created under MIT
README.md created
If you just want to get the gitignore file, it will then create a single .gitignore. You need to specify the gitignore templates.
poketask gi <template> <template> ...
$ poketask gi node laravel visualstudiocode
.gitignore created with VisualStudioCode.gitignore, Node.gitignore, Laravel.gitignore
The project uses the github gitignore templates and also accepts multiple gitignores.
The list of gitignore templates can be found here.
If you just want to get the gitattributes file, it will then create a single .gitattributes.
poketask ga
$ poketask ga
.gitattributes created
If you just want to get the editorconfig file, it will then create a single .editorconfig.
poketask ed
$ poketask ed
.editorconfig created
If you just want to get the LICENSE file. Use the next command.
poketask li
$ poketask li
? author name: Pablo Marmol
? license: mit
LICENSE created under MIT
The list of license templates is here.
Thanks to LYCrachel and bradleylandis for the improvements.
Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Huamani
Licensed under the terms of the MIT license.