An XML parser and writer with namespace support. Packaged as a JavaScript ES6 module.
Tip: Run the examples below by typing this in your terminal (requires Deno):
deno run \
--allow-net --allow-run --allow-env --allow-read \[email protected]/mod.ts \
--dax=false --mode=isolated \
Example: Parse and re-generate an XML string.
description = ''' Running this example is safe, it will not read or write anything to your filesystem. '''
import { Parser, Writer } from '[email protected]/mod.mjs';
xml =
A Qworum script that calls a login endpoint.
The Web application uses the Qworum browser extension
to run the script.
<sequence xmlns=''>
<call href='/login' />
<catch faults='["* cancelled"]'>
<goto href='/loginCancelled' />
<catch faults='["* failed"]'>
<goto href='/loginFailed' />
<goto href='/account' />
doc = new Parser(xml).document, // XmlDocument
// serialise the root element
xml2 = Writer.elementToString(doc.root);;
Sample output for the code above:
<sequence xmlns="">
<call href="/login"></call>
<catch faults="["* cancelled"]">
<goto href="/loginCancelled"></goto>
<catch faults="["* failed"]">
<goto href="/loginFailed"></goto>
<goto href="/account"></goto>
Example: Build an XML document programmatically.
description = ''' Running this example is safe, it will not read or write anything to your filesystem. '''
import { Parser, Writer, XmlDocument, XmlElement, XmlComment } from '[email protected]/mod.mjs';
doc = new XmlDocument([
new XmlComment(
`A Qworum script that calls a login endpoint.
The Web application uses the Qworum browser extension
to run the script.`
new XmlElement(
'sequence', {xmlns: ''},
new XmlElement(
'try', {},
new XmlElement('call', {href: '/login'}),
new XmlElement(
'catch', {faults: '["* cancelled"]'},
[new XmlElement('goto', {href: '/loginCancelled'})]
new XmlElement(
'catch', {faults: '["* failed"]'},
[new XmlElement('goto', {href: '/loginFailed'})]
new XmlElement('goto', {href: '/account'}),
// serialise the root element
xml = Writer.elementToString(doc.root);;
Sample output for the code above:
<sequence xmlns=""><try><call href="/login"></call><catch faults="["* cancelled"]"><goto href="/loginCancelled"></goto></catch><catch faults="["* failed"]"><goto href="/loginFailed"></goto></catch></try><goto href="/account"></goto></sequence>