Greetings, visitors. This is a repository of various useless GUI widgets that may or, may not enchance the look of your current desktop interface. I will walk you through each and every step of the installation process so, make sure to hit that lik- follow everything in a step-by-step fashion.
And if you are here to borrow code then you may skip this README Obviously.
A brief explanation of explanation (explanception!). This section is optional but it wouldn't hurt to gloss over it.
- Introduction, brief description and greetings.
- Procedure, explanception.
- Showcase. Brief showcase, two screenshots of the project in action.
- Assumptions. Conditions and constraints.
- Structure. Project structure and design decisions.
- Dependencies. Modules, packages, scripts and resources that are required.
- Configuration. Setting things up.
- Hacking. Advanced configuration.
- Gallery.
- Samples.
- End Goals.
- Not Goals.
- Tips. Useless shit.
- FAQ.
- Credits. Acknowledgements.
- TODOs.
- License.
List of conditions and constraints that are needed to be fulfilled. This section solely to reduce some headaches. This is done because I do not want to spend an extensive amount of time writing instructions for several Linux distributions.
I will choose Archlinux as a reference frame as I have only used Archlinux, Manjaro and EndeavourOS in the past. So, following are roughly some assumptions that I will follow:
- You are using either Archlinux or, an Arch-based distro like Manjaro.
- You already have an editor, a browser and necessary utilities installed like
sudo, git, etc
. - You have
installed. - You are using an AUR helper.
- You are using
as your window manager. - You are using
as your keyboard daemon. - You use pulseaudio.
This is an important section for those who want to borrow some piece of functionality for use in their projects. This section will paint a general idea of how stuff is being linked to one another so, you can have a general idea for handling or, understanding a bug if one appears (which it will at some point).
├── assets
├── src
│ ├── scss
│ ├── shell
│ └── yuck
└── themes
contains images, graphics and svgs for use in the project.src.scss
contains all theming files. Theming is done using SCSS. So, all of the files in this directory will also be SCSS.src.yuck
contains markup files, all of which are of YUCK
contains various scripts.themes
this will also contain only SCSS files. Why not have them in src.scss then? Because organization. That's it.
This structure will seem familiar to webdevs.
├── scss
│ ├── bolt
│ ├── lumin
│ └── vertigo
└── yuck
├── bolt
├── lumin
└── vertigo
As you might have guessed.
The modules in the scss
directory, style the classes that are defined in
the yuck directory.
For instance, the module lumin
will have scss.lumin
which will contain
styling specific to widgets defined in yuck.lumin
There is a _override.scss
file which supplied for the purpose of overriding
and testing your own stylings.
I have made this in order to contain different designs for the same widget.
There is a _layout.yuck
in every widget module
(eg: src/yuck/lumin/_layout.yuck
) which acts like a mini-configuration.
Tweak the values if you wish to do so 😉.
The above is the transparent version of the bar which is different to that shown in the showcase.
This section is divided into 2 parts:
- Main Dependencies
- Python Dependencies
Execute this in your terminal (if you dare.).
yay --sync base-devel rustup python python-pip eww-git \
dunst bspwm sxkhd gobject-introspection imagemagick \
mpd mpc playerctl pamixer rofi redshift zsh jq todo-bin --needed
# NOTE: use paru or, a AUR helper of your choice or, do the dirty work yourself.
- rustup is needed for compiling eww.
- For pipewire users you need to
replace all of the matches of
in this repository with appropriate commands. You may usenvim-telescope's live-grep
feature to get the matches conveniently and elegantly. - For dunst you need to have have a specific configuration, which you can grab from the Samples section.
- And it should be a given that
are already configured.
Inspect the packages that you are about to install from requirements.txt
Then run the following command in your terminal while in vile's
But, before that we need to create a .venv
as the PEP 0668 is clinically insane.
cd ~/.config/eww
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install --requirement=requirements.txt
Start by placing vile into ~/.config
and rename vile
to eww
. Or, you can use symlinks as shown below.
git clone --depth 1 ~/Downloads
ln -s ~/Downloads/vile ~/.config/eww
## do not remove ~/Downloads/vile
Now, right after doing that you need to make the scripts executable.
chmod +x ~/Downloads/vile/src/shell/*
You need to install the fonts that are being used in this repo. Which can
be found here.
Lastly, do not forget to update the font caches after you do install them
fc-cache -frv
Caviar Dreams
Poiret One
This is a very very very important section. As the previous one, this section is also divided into various parts.
- Environment Variables.
- API Setups
- JSON / Script Configurations
- Layout Configurations
- Dependency Configurations
- Headless Testing / Trial Run.
Start by reading the xdg-utils
and xdg-vars articles
from the ArchWiki.
Then you need to setup those variables by adding some lines in your
Anyways, I will be using ZSH
for this so, we will add those environment variables by editing the ~/.zshenv
file first (create it if it doesn't exist).
Then just append these lines to the file.
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$HOME/.cache"
export XDG_MUSIC_DIR="$HOME/Music"
export XDG_PICTURES_DIR="$HOME/Pictures"
On top of that you would need to add these as well.
# NOTE: Add defaults of your choice as these may not be your taste.
export TERMINAL=st ## kitty for example
export BROWSER=firefox ## brave for example
export VISUAL=neovide ## nano for example
export EDITOR=nvim ## vim for example
See more info on what these variables do here.
Starting with the easiest. Firstly you need to go to the
website and grab your API key.
Do this by creating an account and logging into the site. Then go to
the api_keys
tab and press the
generate button after typing a name in the textfield.
And if you already have a default key then use that instead.
Anyways, take a note of that key value as we will need it later.
Copy the ewwrc
from the Samples
section and remove all of the comments. Then the first thing you'd need to do is
add the tokens that you noted from the
previous section.
For example the tokens.openweather
Note: You may skip this if you do not plan to use
clime and chrono
see the Galley section.
Take a look at the location
key and see what method of fetching the location
you want to select. If you have selected manual method then you'd need to fill
out either latitude
and longitude
or, city
and country_code
and lang
Learn more about these here.
As for automatic, you do not need to do anything in the location field.
Then customize, change and tweak the values to your liking.
Now, open src/shell/combine.bash
then edit and match the CACHE_PATH
with the fields
, notify.quote_path
and notify.interval
from ewwrc
is created to be an alternative for some ` functions since it is quite slow.
Moving on. Copy the sample eww.yuck
from the
Samples section. Create the
file and uncomment the widgets you need. You may take a look at the
Gallery section.
As explained in the Structure
section open the layout files of the modules that you enabled. For example
if you have uncommented the vertigo module then, you would
need to open src/yuck/vertigo/_layout.yuck
file and customize the values
like icons glyphs, labels, etc.
For example in the bolt
widget if you change the :volume_icon
field i.e.
to a smiley face :)
;; NOTE: can be found in src/yuck/bolt/_layout.yuck
(_boltpctl :cover {pctl_sub["mpris:artUrl"]}
:label {pctl_sub["status"]}
:title {pctl_sub["xesam:title"]}
:artist {pctl_sub["xesam:artist"]}
:volume volume_level
:volume_icon "" ;; to :volume_icon ":)"
:status_cmd "playerctl play-pause"
:status_icon {pctl_sub["status"] == "Playing" ? "" : ""})
- Make sure you have playerctl running at all times. Execute
playerctld daemon
in your terminal to start playerctl. - MPD needs to be running all times as well. Execute
in your terminal. - Same goes for dunst. Only caveat is that you'd need a specific configuration
for making it work with the
There are some very specific things that you would need to do for setting this up.
Firstly, grab or, inspect the sample dunstrc
from the
Samples section.
Take a good look at the rulesets:
appname = "volume"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "volume"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = firefox
new_icon = firefox-default
The above is an example of said ruleset. When a notification is sent by a certain
application like for example firefox, they will send
some specific metadata on top of the usual message summary and message body.
Which then we can use to tell apart the notifications sent from
firefox and other applications. This is done using the appname
We take that value and match it to these ruleset's appname
field. And if you
have looked at the above snippet carefully, you will notice that there is a
rule called [firefox]
and within it there is a field called appname
value is firefox
Now, whenever Firefox browser sends us a notification it will be redirected to
that ruleset.
Secondly, there is another field called new_icon
which signifies that when
Firefox sends a notification, the notification icon will be replaced with an icon
from your icon theme named firefox-default.svg
(Yes, the extension will be truncated).
This section will describe how you would know if the script actually works. Since, if the scripts work then most probably the widgets will work as well. These (might) be automated later in the near future with unit testing.
Before we begin I would urge you to recheck and verify if all the XDG variables
have been set or not. Source the ~/.zshenv
again if you are not confident.
Now, go to the root of the vile repo. Then change the directory to where all of
the scripts are located at cd src/shell
- Run this using
./ init
which will initialize thedbus eavesdropper. Now, open another terminal and run./ subscribe
then open another terminal and typenotfy-send hello
. Now, if something appears in the second terminal then the script is working.(box :spacing 20 :orientation 'vertical' :space-evenly false (_cardimage :class 'Spotify-rectangle' :identity ':::###:::: XXXWWW1660034424===::' :close_action './src/shell/combine.bash rmid 1660034424' :limit_body '110' :limit_summary '30' :summary 'Forbidden Silence' :body 'Raimu - Forbidden Silence' :close '繁' :class 'Spotify-rectangle' :identity ':::###::::XXXWWW1660034279===::' ...
combine.bash: Run this using
./ init
which will initialize the dbus eavesdropper. Now, open another terminal and run./combine.bash sub
then open another terminal and typenotfy-send hello
. Now, if something appears in the second terminal then the script is working. Sample should be the same
. - This is currently not in use but you can test it regardless. Try running it
and see if there is any JSON output. You may need to wait for a few seconds by the way. Following is a sample.{ "country": { <redacted>: { "id": "81", "country": <redacted>, "confirmed": 44174650, "active": null, "deaths": 526772, "recovered": null, ...
- This too is not being used but wouldn't hurt to test it. Try running it by
./ repos
see if there is any JSON output. And do the same for./ users
as well. Following is a sample.[ { "id": <some_number>, "node_id": <some_number>, "name": "dharmx", "full_name": "dharmx/dharmx", "private": false, "owner": { "login": "dharmx", ...
- Do the same as
. Following is a sample.{ "coord": { "lon": <redacted>, "lat": <redacted> }, "list": [ { "main": { "aqi": 3 }, "components": { "co": 487.33, "no": 0.13, "no2": 21.08, "o3": 39.34, "so2": 31.47, "pm2_5": 20.35, "pm10": 24.43, "nh3": 4.75 ...
- Do the same as
only difference is that you need to supply a flag i.e.fetch
. Following is a sample.{ "coord": { "lon": <redacted>, "lat": <redacted> }, "weather": [ { "id": 721, "main": "Haze", "description": "haze", "icon": "50d", ...
workspaces.zsh: This is BSPWM specific. Try running this by
./workspaces.zsh subscribe_desktop
then try going to any other workspace then return to the current one. Now, see if there are any JSON values. Following is a sample.[ { "class": "vertigo-button vertigo-workspace vertigo-workspace-occupied", "tooltip": "workspace: state: occupied", "onclick": "bspc desktop --focus 1", "label": "" }, { "class": "vertigo-button vertigo-workspace vertigo-workspace-local", "tooltip": "workspace: state: local", "onclick": "bspc desktop --focus 2", "label": "" }, { "class": "vertigo-button vertigo-workspace vertigo-workspace-focused", "tooltip": "workspace: 北 state: focused", "onclick": "bspc desktop --focus 3", "label": "北" } ]
- Same as
. Also, you might need to traverse through your current MPD music playlist and play some songs to be completely sure. While you are at it see if JSON output changes or, not as well. Sample as follows.{ "file": "/home/maker/.cache/eww/mpd/3PM Coding Session.png", "artist": "Lofi Ghostie", "albumartist": "Unknown", "title": "3PM Coding Session", "album": "Unknown", "last-modified": "2021-11-14T19:55:40Z", "format": "44100:24:2", "time": "4948", "duration": "4947.748", "pos": "0", "id": "1", "status": "pause", "bright": "#4959A5", "dark": "#CC96E0" }
- Similar to
. Sample as follows.{ "mpris:artUrl": "/home/maker/.cache/eww/pctl/spotify/7468726565706F6F6C/4120506C6163652042656E65617468.png", "xesam:artist": "threepool", "xesam:title": "A Place Beneath", "xesam:album": "A Place Beneath", "status": "Playing", "mpris:trackid": "/com/spotify/track/4m1Kg8I715SQUSOjFrvxR7", "mpris:length": 132679000, ...
uptime.awk: Run this by
uptime --pretty | ./uptime.awk
. Output should be2d, 4h
for uptime ofup 2 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes
- If any of these do not work then consult the Troubleshooting, FAQ and Tips sections.
- The notification manager (disclose) depends on my custom made icon theme that can be found here.
- With dunst you may need to remove its dbus service file
. Then kill all dunst instances and start again with a new instance. - There may be some difficulties with the
script if your default mpd Music storage is not as same asXDG_MUSIC_DIR
Coming Soon...
Avatar |
![]() |
Description: Adaptive and dynamic music player daemon and playerctl frontends. |
Note that this is still incomplete. |
Bolt |
![]() |
Description: Beautiful integrated bar mini-dashboard. |
Disclose |
![]() |
Description: Feature-Rich and Hacky notification manager. |
Vertigo |
![]() |
Description: BSPWM Specific bar. See the Hacking section to add support for your WM. |
Chrono One | Chrono Two |
![]() |
![]() |
Description: Calendar, Cool radial clock and a beautiful weather card. | Description: Extensive weather information and Air pollution information. |
Lumin |
![]() |
Description: Shows time and searches stuff on duckduckgo. |
Clime |
![]() |
Description: Minimal weather info. |
Origin |
![]() |
Description: Shows current logged username and hostname. |
Melody |
![]() |
Description: Shows current playing audio track with essential application icons. |
Ocular |
![]() |
Description: A moving seconds clock with added Ram, CPU, Temperatue and Battery monitor. |
A sample dunstrc
background = "#11161b"
foreground = "#d4d4d5"
monitor = 0
follow = mouse
width = 480
height = 380
progress_bar = true
progress_bar_height = 25
progress_bar_frame_width = 3
progress_bar_min_width = 460
progress_bar_max_width = 480
highlight = "#79dcaa"
dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu
indicate_hidden = true
shrink = true
transparency = 5
separator_height = 5
padding = 10
horizontal_padding = 10
frame_width = 3
frame_color = "#151a1f"
sort = true
idle_threshold = 0
font = Dosis,Iosevka Nerd Font 14
line_height = 2
markup = full
origin = "top-right"
offset = "50x50"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
alignment = left
show_age_threshold = 60
word_wrap = false
ignore_newline = true
stack_duplicates = true
hide_duplicate_count = true
show_indicators = true
icon_position = left
max_icon_size = 128
min_icon_size = 104
icon_theme = "custom,Reversal-green-dark,McMuse-green,Zafiro,McMuse,Papirus"
enable_recursive_icon_lookup = true
sticky_history = true
history_length = 50
browser = firefox
always_run_script = true
title = Dunst
class = Dunst
corner_radius = 0
notification_limit = 5
mouse_left_click = do_action
mouse_middle_click = close_current
mouse_right_click = context_all
ignore_dbusclose = true
ellipsize = end
timeout = 4
background = "#11161b"
frame_color = "#1f2429"
foreground = "#79dcaa"
timeout = 8
background = "#11161b"
frame_color = "#1f2429"
foreground = "#7ab0df"
timeout = 30
background = "#11161b"
frame_color = "#1f2429"
foreground = "#f87070"
msg_urgency = critical
fullscreen = pushback
appname = "volume"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "volume"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "microphone"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "microphone"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "audiojack"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "audiojack"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "brightness"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "brightness"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "shot"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "shot"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "shot_icon"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "shot_icon"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "bar"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "bar"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "nightmode"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "nightmode"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "sxhkd"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "sxhkd"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "layouts"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "layouts"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "bspwm"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "bspwm"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "todo"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "todo"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
new_icon = custom-to-do
background = "#161b20"
foreground = "#c397d8"
appname = "picom"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "picom"
format = "<b>%s</b>\n%b"
appname = "spotify"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "spotify"
format = "<span size='x-large' font_desc='Cooper Hewitt 12' weight='bold' foreground='#79dcaa'>%s</span>\n%b"
appname = "mpd"
summary = "*"
set_stack_tag = "mpd"
format = "<span size='x-large' font_desc='Cooper Hewitt 12' weight='bold' foreground='#c397d8'>%s</span>\n%b"
appname = firefox
new_icon = firefox-default
appname = network
new_icon = network
summary = "*"
format = "<span size='x-large' weight='bold'>%s</span>\n<span font_desc='Cooper Hewitt,Iosevka Nerd Font 12'>%b</span>"
# vim:filetype=dosini
A sample eww.yuck
(include "./src/yuck/_env.yuck")
(include "./src/yuck/_lib.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/vertigo/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/disclose/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/avatar/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/melody/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/lumin/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/origin/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/ocular/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/clime/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/power/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/chrono/_init.yuck")
;; (include "./src/yuck/bolt/_init.yuck")
; vim:filetype=yuck
A sample ewwrc
"player": {
"mpd_cache": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/mpd",
"pctl_cache": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/pctl",
"default_art": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/cover.png"
"desktops": {
"states": {
"focused": "北",
"occupied": "",
"urgent": "梅",
"empty": ""
"tags": {
"hidden": "",
"sticky": "",
"private": "",
"locked": "",
"marked": "",
"empty": ""
"layouts": {
"monocle": "",
"tiled": "",
"fullscreen": "",
"pseudo_tiled": "",
"floating": "",
"empty": ""
"network": {
"interface": "CURRENTLY_NOT_IN_USE"
"notify": {
"limit": 50,
"interval": 0.5,
"cache_path": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/dunst/notifications.txt",
"quote_path": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/dunst/quotes.txt",
"default_quote": "To fake it is to stand guard over emptiness. ── Arthur Herzog",
"timestamp": "%H:%M",
"excluded_appnames": null
"location": {
"method": "automatic",
"cache_dir": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/location",
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"city": null,
"country_code": null,
"lang": null,
"zip": null
"tokens": {
"openweather": "641f54ef8b6cc337c7ea7e6d3881730d",
"weather": {
"units": "metric",
"cache_dir": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/weather",
"icons": {
"01d": "",
"02d": "",
"03d": "",
"04d": "",
"09d": "",
"10d": "",
"11d": "",
"13d": "",
"50d": "",
"01n": "",
"02n": "",
"03n": "",
"04n": "",
"09n": "",
"10n": "",
"11n": "",
"13n": "",
"50n": "",
"default": ""
"images": {
"01d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/01.jpg",
"02d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/02.jpg",
"03d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/03.jpg",
"04d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/04.jpg",
"09d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/09.jpg",
"10d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/10.jpg",
"11d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/11.jpg",
"13d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/13.jpg",
"50d": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/50.jpg",
"01n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/01.jpg",
"02n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/02.jpg",
"03n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/03.jpg",
"04n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/04.jpg",
"09n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/09.jpg",
"10n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/10.jpg",
"11n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/11.jpg",
"13n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/13.jpg",
"50n": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/50.jpg",
"default": "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/eww/assets/01.jpg"
"covid": {
"cache_dir": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/covid",
"icons": {
"country": "",
"confirmed": "",
"deaths": ""
"pollution": {
"cache_dir": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/pollution",
"icons": {
"good": "",
"fair": "",
"moderate": "",
"poor": "",
"very_poor": ""
"github": {
"cache_dir": "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/eww/github",
"username": "dharmx"
"layouts": [
"label": "tiled",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "monocle",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "even",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "grid",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "rgrid",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "rtall",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "rwide",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "tall",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
"label": "wide",
"icon": "",
"command": ""
A sample _override.scss
// exclude eww-vertigo in picom shadows exclude section
// this is an example to override the default vertigo style
// and make the bar transparent. Enjoy.
// .vertigo-layout-box {
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// }
// .vertigo-node-button-tiled { color: $base14; }
// .vertigo-node-button-monocle { color: $base11; }
// .vertigo-node-button-float { color: $base13; }
// .vertigo-node-button-pseudo { color: $base15; }
// .vertigo-node-button-full { color: $base09; }
// .vertigo-node-button-other { color: $base08; }
// .vertigo-node-button:hover { opacity: 0.8; }
// .vertigo-node-button-tiled,
// .vertigo-node-button-monocle,
// .vertigo-node-button-float,
// .vertigo-node-button-pseudo,
// .vertigo-node-button-full,
// .vertigo-node-button-other {
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// }
// .vertigo-battery-button {
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// color: $base11;
// }
// .vertigo-time-button {
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// }
// .vertigo-volume-on { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-volume-off { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-volume-on:hover { background-color: $base13; }
// .vertigo-volume-off:hover { background-color: $base11; }
// .vertigo-nightmode-on { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-nightmode-off { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-nightmode-on:hover { background-color: $base09; color: $shade01; }
// .vertigo-nightmode-off:hover { background-color: $base13; color: $shade01; }
// .vertigo-notify-on { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-notify-off { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-notify-on:hover { background-color: $base15; color: $base02; }
// .vertigo-notify-off:hover { background-color: $base11; color: $base02; }
// .vertigo-todo-button { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-todo-button:hover { background-color: $base07; color: $base01; }
// .vertigo-workspace-plus-button { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-workspace-plus-button:hover { background-color: $base11; color: $base02; }
// .vertigo-time-button:hover { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-separator {
// opacity: 0.0;
// }
// .vertigo-search-button {
// color: $base09;
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// }
// .vertigo-search-button:hover { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); color: $base07; }
// .vertigo-workspace { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-workspace:hover { background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-workspace-focused {
// background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// border-right-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0);
// }
// .vertigo-workspace-occupied:hover { border-left-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-workspace-urgent:hover { border-left-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// .vertigo-workspace-local:hover { border-left-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.0); }
// vim:ft=scss