Releases: decent-css/decent
Fixes missing spacing classes and removes position on .overlay
Moves modules into folders and adds README's to each
[Potentially Breaking]
If you imported modules individually, this release will likely break your build. You will need to update the paths to each modules, ie:
@import 'modules/color/index';
As opposed to"
@import 'modules/color`;
This change allows for mixins that only apply to a specific module to be scoped correctly and for documentation to be closely coupled to it's corresponding code.
Adds Documentation to Each Module
v2.1.2 2.1.2
Bug Fixes and Tests
v2.1.1 2.1.1
This makes decent even less opinionated and more flexible!
Colorsets can be written as a map, so say you want to add another set called brand
, you can completely rewrite the default set or merge a map with brand
into the default $colorsets
$colorsets: (
'primary': (
'default': hsl(240, 90, 50),
'alt': hsl(240, 90, 40),
'alt-2': hsl(240, 90, 30)
'secondary': (
'default': hsl(27, 100, 53),
'alt': hsl(27, 100, 43),
'success': (
'default': hsl(122, 90, 50),
'alt': hsl(122, 90, 40),
'alt-2': hsl(122, 90, 30)
'error': (
'default': hsl(0, 90, 50),
'alt': hsl(0, 90, 40),
'alt-2': hsl(0, 90, 30),
) !default;
This will give .c-
and .cbgg-
classes for each set. Default classes output without a key, ie cbg-primary
, while the others will append the key, ie cbg-primary-alt
The greyscale is also written similar, but can only be made up of one set.
$greyscale: (
'black': hsl(240, 1, 1),
'1': hsl(240, 4, 10),
'2': hsl(240, 3, 24),
'3': hsl(240, 3, 30),
'4': hsl(240, 2, 40),
'5': hsl(240, 2, 50),
'6': hsl(240, 2, 84),
'7': hsl(240, 1, 92),
'8': hsl(240, 1, 96),
'white': hsl(240, 0, 99)
) !default;
You can access greys with .cg-
and .cbgg-