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Ansible Role: Inspec

Role to install (by default) extended inspec on Debian, Ubuntu and EL systems.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below (located in defaults/main.yml):

Variables list:

inspec_app: inspec
inspec_version: 6.8.24
inspec_debian_os: "{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}"
inspec_debian_os_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
inspec_debian_os_arch: amd64
inspec_debian_dl_url: "{{ inspec_app }}/{{ inspec_version }}/{{ inspec_debian_os }}/{{ inspec_debian_os_version }}/{{ inspec_app }}_{{ inspec_version }}-1_{{ inspec_debian_os_arch }}.deb"
inspec_ubuntu_os: "{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}"
inspec_ubuntu_os_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_version}}"
inspec_ubuntu_os_arch: amd64
inspec_ubuntu_dl_url: "{{ inspec_app }}/{{ inspec_version }}/{{ inspec_debian_os }}/{{ inspec_debian_os_version }}/{{ inspec_app }}_{{ inspec_version }}-1_{{ inspec_debian_os_arch }}.deb"
inspec_el_os: el
inspec_el_os_arch: x86_64
inspec_el_os_version: "{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
inspec_el_dl_url: "{{ inspec_app }}/{{ inspec_version }}/{{ inspec_el_os }}/{{ inspec_el_os_version }}/{{ inspec_app }}-{{ inspec_version }}-1.el{{ inspec_el_os_version }}.{{ inspec_el_os_arch }}.rpm"
inspec_el_disable_gpg_check: no
inspec_el_rpm_key_url: ""
inspec_el_rpm_key_fingerprint: "1168 5DB9 2F03 640A 2FFE 7CA8 2940 ABA9 83EF 826A"
inspec_el_rpm_key_state: present

Variables table:

Variable Description
inspec_app Defines the app to install i.e. inspec
inspec_version Defined to dynamically fetch the desired version to install. Defaults to: 6.8.24
inspec_debian_os Defined to collect the operating system name and store it's value in lowercase
inspec_debian_os_version Gathers facts to collect OS Version.
inspec_debian_os_arch Defines os architecture. Used for obtaining the correct type of binaries based on OS System Architecture. Defaults to: amd64
inspec_debian_dl_url Defines URL to download the inspec debian file from for Debain Systems.
inspec_ubuntu_os Defined to collect the operating system name and store it's value in lowercase
inspec_ubuntu_os_version Gathers facts to collect OS Version.
inspec_ubuntu_os_arch Defines os architecture. Used for obtaining the correct type of binaries based on OS System Architecture. Defaults to: amd64
inspec_ubuntu_dl_url Defines URL to download the inspec debian file from for Ubuntu Systems.
inspec_el_os Defined to for EL based systems.
inspec_el_os_version Gathers facts to collect OS major version on EL based systems.
inspec_el_os_arch Defines os architecture. Used for obtaining the correct type of binaries based on OS System Architecture. Defaults to: x86_64
inspec_el_dl_url Defines URL to download the inspec rpm file from for EL based Operating Systems.
inspec_el_disable_gpg_check Defines whether to disable the GPG signature checking or not on EL based Operating Systems. Defaults to 'no'.
inspec_el_rpm_key_url RPM key to be used for inspec on EL based Operating Systems.
inspec_el_rpm_key_fingerprint Fingerprint of the rpm key to be used on EL based Operating Systems.
inspec_el_rpm_key_state Defines whether the rpm key should be imported or not in rpm db on EL based Operating Systems.



Example Playbook

For default behaviour of role (i.e. installation of inspec) in ansible playbooks.

- hosts: servers
    - darkwizard242.inspec

For customizing behavior of role (i.e. specifying the desired inspec version) in ansible playbooks.

- hosts: servers
    - darkwizard242.inspec
    inspec_version: 4.18.99



Author Information

This role was created by Ali Muhammad.