Zorg: If you want something done, do it yourself.
Zorg is a Drupal 7 starter theme borrowing structural elements from Boron, using SASS and Susy.
- Sass is awesome
- Susy is awesome
- Therefore, Zorg is awesome
All-in-all this is a basic way to keep up the starter theme I use for producing Drupal 7 based presentation-layers from scratch.
There are no base grid sizes, as Susy is relative, and all things are relative. Change comes from within. Pain is an illusion.
I've kept the following templates mostly stock:
- this has RDF integrations
The template.php functions provide additional page.tpl naming structures for content types: page--[content-type].tpl.php
For instance, to provide a page template specifically for webforms, page--webform.tpl.php
would do the trick.
Zorg uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- SASS - CSS with Superpowers
- Susy - Power tools for the web
- Gulp - The speedy JavaScript Task Runner
- node.js - Necessary for Sass/Susy
- jQuery - duh
You need Gulp installed:
$ git clone [git-repo-url] zorg
$ cd zorg
$ gulp
- Lots
You can reach out to me at @cwightrun on Twitter.