This repository contains the simulation code and analysis for studying the dynamics of Herschel-Bulkley Worthington jets and droplets produced by bursting bubbles. The code uses the Basilisk framework to simulate bubble cavity collapse in non-Newtonian media, examining how power-law index, yield stress, and viscosity affect jet and droplet formation.
The project investigates how non-Newtonian behavior influences bubble bursting dynamics by exploring the phase space of effective Ohnesorge number, power-law index, and plasto-capillary number using volume of fluid-based finite volume simulations. The results demonstrate how shear-thinning/thickening behavior and yield stress significantly influence the overall dynamics through the interplay of viscous and plastic effects.
To ensure you have the necessary tools and a fresh Basilisk installation, use the provided script:
This script checks for Basilisk installation and compiles it if not present.
Designed for macOS. If you encounter issues on Linux, please open a GitHub issue.
- Basilisk C is fetched and built automatically.
- Xcode Command Line Tools (macOS) or equivalent compiler toolchain (Linux) are required.
After running the script, a .project_config
file is created, setting BASILISK
and PATH
If you have previously installed Basilisk or changed dependencies, re-run the script with --hard
./ --hard
The easiest way to compile and run the code is using the Makefile approach:
- Navigate to the
cd testCases
- Compile and run using make (this runs the code interactively using the browser):
CFLAGS=-DDISPLAY=-1 make burstingBubbleVE.tst
To run the code non-interactively, use the following command:
make burstingBubbleVE.tst
You can compile the code directly using qcc
in two ways:
- Using include paths (recommended):
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions -I$(PWD)/src-local -I$(PWD)/../src-local burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
- Without include paths:
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
Note: If using method 2, you must first manually copy the src-local
folder to your running directory.
# First source the configuration
source .project_config
# Compile using include paths (recommended)
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions -I$(PWD)/src-local -I$(PWD)/../src-local burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
# Or compile without include paths (requires manually copying src-local folder)
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
# Run the executable, only supports serial execution
# First source the configuration
source .project_config
# Compile using include paths (recommended)
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions -fopenmp -I$(PWD)/src-local -I$(PWD)/../src-local burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
# Or compile without include paths (requires manually copying src-local folder)
qcc -O2 -Wall -disable-dimensions -fopenmp burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
# Set the number of OpenMP threads
# Run the executable
For cluster environments, it is strongly recommended to manually copy the src-local
folder to your working directory to ensure reliable compilation across different cluster configurations:
- First, copy the required files:
cp -r /path/to/original/src-local .
- Compile the code for MPI:
CC99='mpicc -std=c99' qcc -Wall -O2 -D_MPI=1 -disable-dimensions burstingBubbleVE.c -o burstingBubbleVE -lm
- Create a SLURM job script (e.g.,
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --partition=genoa
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH [email protected]
srun --mpi=pmi2 -n 32 --gres=cpu:32 --mem-per-cpu=1750mb burstingBubbleVE
- Submit the job:
The z_extras/running
directory contains supplementary materials and post-processing tools used in the analysis. This includes C-based data extraction utilities, Python visualization scripts, and analysis notebooks. These tools were used to process simulation outputs and generate figures for the study. For detailed documentation of these tools, see the README in the z_extras
Issues & Contributions: Please file bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests on GitHub. When creating an issue, please:
- For bug reports: Include the error message, OS version, and steps to reproduce the issue
- For feature requests: Clearly describe the proposed feature and its use case
- For questions: Check existing issues and documentation first
We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
script is designed to reset the installation requirements for the project. This can be useful when you want to ensure that all dependencies are fresh and up-to-date.
The script re-installs all required packages as specified in the requirements file, ensuring that the project's dependencies are up-to-date and consistent.
To run the script, use the following command in your terminal:
Make sure to have the necessary permissions to execute the script.
If you use this code in your research, please cite:
- Vatsal Sanjay (University of Twente), [email protected]
This project is licensed under standard academic terms. Please cite the paper and software if you use this code in your research.