This is an NPM module to interface with the Netatmo Personal Weather Station API. (
This module would not be possible without the work of Github user mrose17.
npm install node-netatmo
Please consult the netatmo private api documentation.
var Netatmo = require('node-netatmo')
, netatmo = new Netatmo.Netatmo()
netatmo.on('error', function(err) {
}).setConfig( '$CLIENT_ID' , '$CLIENT_SECRET' , '$USERNAME' , '$PASSWORD').getToken(function(err) {
if (err) return console.log('getToken: ' + err.message);
// good to go!
netatmo.getUser(function(err, results) {
if (err) return console.log('getUser: ' + err.message);
if (results.status !== 'ok') { console.log('getUser not ok'); return console.log(results); }
// inspect results.body
netatmo.getDevices(function(err, results) {
if (err) return console.log('getDevices: ' + err.message);
if (results.status !== 'ok') { console.log('getDevices not ok'); return console.log(results); }
// inspect results.body
It would be best if you read the documentation to understand the supported values for params:
var params = { device_id : '....' // if not present, uses the first device_id from the previous call to getDevices
, module_id : null // optional
, scale : '1day' // or: max, 30min, 3hours, 1week, 1month
// at least one of these must be present
, type : [ 'Temperature', 'CO2', 'Humidity', 'Pressure', 'Noise' ]
// these are all optional
, date_begin : utc-timestamp
, date_end : utc-timestamp
, limit : 1024
, optimize : false
netatmo.getMeasurement(params, function(err, results) {
if (err) return console.log('getMeasurement: ' + err.message);
if (results.status !== 'ok') { console.log('getMeasurement not ok'); return console.log(results); }
// inspect results.body