This is a repository containing all my C and C++ code from my course. Each individual lab is organized as a separate branch each labeled per lab. The README in each branch is labeled with the instruction for the lab.
Using C and basic printf() commands we were tasked with creating a small art piece. Lab 1 PDF.
Using C and more advanced printf() commands with the introduction of tab spaces for organization we need to create a currency conversion table that displays the equivalent value of a user-inputted currency in other currencies. Lab 2 PDF.
- Display the currency conversion table.
- User selects a starting currency from the available choices.
- User unputs a currency amount for this selected currency.
- The currency choice goes into a switch that corresponds with the starting currency.
- Within the corresponding currency, the program uses the inputted amount to convert into and save the output variables for each currency.
- The values are displayed back to the user.