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Aryan J edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Bears-Team-3 wiki!

  1. Intros
  2. Goals and Expectations
  3. Commitment and Availability
  4. Project Ideas
  5. Contributing Conventions

Frequently Asked Questions

Ruby Installation? Help!

Of course. We suggest using RVM to manage your Ruby installation. If you're using a Homebrew on Mac OS, this should be as easy as brew install rvm. On Linux, the installation instruction here may help.

Postgres Installation? Help!

If you're using Homebrew on Mac OS:

  1. brew install postgres
  2. initdb brew --prefix /var/postgres/data -E utf8
  3. createdb
  4. psql -h localhost
  5. create role myapp with createdb login password 'password1'; (as seen in database.yml)
  6. from /backend, bundle install
  7. rake db:setup

You should now be able to successfully run the rails server using Postgres.

Team Resources