Rescape v0.0.1
Rescape v0.0.1
Rescape is in early design and development. This release is a mostly working POC with some poorly written code that will continue to evolve.
Version Notes:
- You may need to resize your terminal and/or font to see the entire game field, status area, and messages (shown in screenshot below)
- Vi keys along with arrow keys are supported for movement. Additional commands can be found here:
- You currently start each floor with a test potion (MegaGood) that will make your character more powerful in most ways
- You can move freely up and down stairs regardless of where you are on the floor (you don't need to be standing on a staircase)
- Enter a "ground floor" test level by entering "D" - here you'll see a red dragon with bad pathing
- Upon death you'll still be able to move around
- There is currently no game or objective. Combat is also not balanced.
- Press ESC to exit the game
- In MacOS, built-in antivirus measures may prevent the binary from running. The easiest way to workaround this is right click the file and launch it with the at first launch. You can then allow the binary to run. There's likely an easier way to allow it to run.
- In Windows, Defender may yell at you. You'll need to bypass this protection as well.