Check what is saved: net use
I used: net use \\hassio /delete
This is a list of different installation steps that I have performed:
BRUH Portforwarding, DNS, Encryption
Update procedure for All in one installation:
Restart HASS:
sudo systemctl restart home-assistant.service
Hass.io repositories
Grafana add on, install plugins, use this info here:
"env_var": [
"value": "my-instance"
After install of hassio plugin, it is necessery to create a database for hassio. To do this, go into ssh and enter this code:
curl -i -XPOST http://hassio.local:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE home_assistant"
This is an instruction how to install arduino IDE "portable".
This is the instruction to install ESP8266 with wiring.
Here is general information about ESP8266-Arduino
Good example for simple integration analog LED with HA over MQTT
I have flashed tasmota on NODEMCU. To get into flash mode, just plug USB into computer. No need for pushing buttons...
Basement NodeMCU with LED (Relay2) and PIR(Switch1) Sensor, just execute into tasmota console:
rule1 1
rule1 on switch1#state=1 do backlog power2 on; ruletimer1 12 endon on rules#timer=1 do power2 off endon
switchmode1 1
MQTT client for windows: mqttfx
Just listen to #
Very good descriptions for installing MQTT mosquitto are:
Listen to all mosquitto commands:
mosquitto_sub -d -t "#"
mosquitto_sub -d -u username -P password -t "#"
Start and stop mosquitto broker, even if autostart is enabled:
sudo /etc/init.d/mosquitto stop
sudo /etc/init.d/mosquitto start
user&pass for MQTT: can be found in hass.io customization.yaml
Interesting forum topic mosquitto and cloudmqtt
And also here is detail what to do for bridging mosquitto and cloudmqtt bridge mosquitto and cloudmqtt
Setup Sonoff Dual in living room:
To be able to have on startup yellow light on and blue off, following payload has to be published through mqttfx
payload: off
Furthermore on sonoff consol:
PowerRetain Off
Another good explanation for mqtt on docker: https://github.com/martikainen87/Home-Automation/wiki/MQTT
For the installation I have followed the steps from BRUH. BRUH Dash
In the step "Installing Dasher on a Raspberry Pi" I had to install this lines of codes:
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo apt-get install node
wget http://node-arm.herokuapp.com/node_latest_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
git clone https://github.com/maddox/dasher.git
cd dasher
sudo npm install
If there is a need to remove autostart, then:
sudo update-rc.d dasher remove
General information is found here (sonoff tasmota github). But since sonoff dual need additional soldering, here is the better picture for the GPIO0 PIN.
If sonoff won't connect. On Power up, for one minute WPS will be available to make the connection.