This is a simple script to convert Apple Music playlists to Spotify playlists. It scrapes the Apple Music Website to get the songs in the playlist and the Spotify API to create a new playlist with the same* songs.
*The script will not be able to find all songs, but it will try to find the closest match.
- Python 3
- Spotipy
- Requests
- BeautifulSoup
- Create a Spotify app and get the client ID and client secret. Here is a guide on how to do that.
- Create a file called '.env' in the same directory as the script and add the following lines:
- Run the script with
- Enter the Apple Music playlist URL
- Enter the new Spotify playlist name
- The script will not be able to find all songs, but it will try to find the closest match.
- The script will not be able to find songs that are not available in the user's country.
- The script will not be able to find songs that are not available on Spotify.
- This script is fragile and will break if Apple Music changes their website. If you find a bug, please open an issue. (Or even better, fix it and open a pull request.)
MIT License We are using the MIT License for this project. You can find the full license text in the LICENSE file.
This project was built by and GitHub Copilot.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or pull request if you find a bug or want to add a feature.