The app may sleep without using. Just wait for a few seconds to wake it up.
This is a prototype of URL Shortener project. You can find the other one that I rewrite
in my repo. The new version is pure backend part without UI, I used gin framework and
make code more readable.
Link: https://github.com/borischen0203/URL-shortener
- Generate short URL from long URL
- Redirect to long URL by generated URL
- URL generation supports custom alias
1. Execute main.go file.
2. Open browser on http://localhots:8000/
3. Input the long URL in the field[Enter a long URL].
4. (Optional)Input the the custom ID in the field[Custom alias].
(make sure you input valid characters(A-Z,a-z,0-9))
5. Submit
6. Get the short URL!
7. If the page shows the Alias is not available(be used), please try another one!
8. Input the generated short URL in browser, it will redirect to original URL.
- MongoDB
- Go
- Heroku deploy