minoRityPower is an R package designed to estimate statistical power for detecting effects of healthcare system-level interventions on clinical trial enrollment, with a particular focus on accelerating minority participant recruitment. Developed for the ARPA-H program application, this package provides both facility-level and participant-level analyses through mixed-effects models and bootstrap-based simulations.
Clinical trials often face challenges in recruiting minority participants, leading to underrepresentation in medical research. Healthcare system-level interventions aim to address this issue by implementing systematic changes to improve minority enrollment. This package provides tools to:
- Estimate power for detecting intervention effects on facility-level enrollment rates
- Analyze participant-level enrollment probabilities and intervention interactions with minority status
- Support comprehensive power analyses at both facility and individual levels
- Account for the hierarchical nature of clinical trial data
- Visualize power across different effect sizes and sample sizes
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The package implements two complementary approaches to power analysis:
This approach models the rate of enrollment at the facility level, focusing on how interventions affect the number of participants enrolled per facility:
- Uses negative binomial mixed-effects models
- Accounts for facility-level random effects
- Models enrollment counts directly
- Suitable for analyzing system-level effects on recruitment capacity
# Facility-level power analysis
facility_results <- run_power_facility(
effect_sizes1 = c(1.25, 1.50), # 25% and 50% increase in enrollment rate
Ns = c(30, 45, 60), # Number of facilities per arm
tau2_facility = 0.64, # Facility-level variance
mean_rate = 11 # Average monthly enrollment rate
This approach models individual enrollment probabilities, focusing on how interventions affect the likelihood of enrollment for minority participants:
- Uses logistic mixed-effects models
- Incorporates interaction between intervention and minority status
- Models individual enrollment decisions
- Suitable for analyzing differential intervention effects
# Participant-level power analysis
participant_results <- run_power_participant(
effect_sizes1 = c(1.25, 1.50), # Main intervention effects
effect_sizes2 = c(1.75, 2.00), # Minority-specific effects
Ns = c(30, 45, 60), # Facilities per arm
minority_rate = 0.3, # Expected minority enrollment proportion
tau2_trial = 1.19 # Trial-level variance
- Models enrollment rates using negative binomial distribution
- Accounts for overdispersion in enrollment counts
- Incorporates facility-random effects
- Estimates power for detecting rate ratios
- Models enrollment probabilities using logistic regression
- Tests interaction effects with minority status
- Accounts for clustering within facilities
- Supports varying minority enrollment rates
- Parallel processing for computational efficiency
- Bootstrap-based simulation approaches
- Multiple significance level testing (0.05, 0.01, 0.005)
- Publication-ready visualizations
- Comprehensive output storage
The package provides detailed output for both analysis types:
- Power estimates at multiple significance levels
- Convergence rates and model diagnostics
- Effect size estimates and confidence intervals
- Summary tables in CSV format
- Power curves across sample sizes
- Faceted plots by effect size combinations
- Interaction effect visualizations
- Publication-ready figures in PDF format
# 1. Facility-level analysis
facility_results <- run_power_facility(
effect_sizes1 = c(1.25, 1.50),
Ns = c(30, 45, 60),
tau2_facility = 0.64,
R_boot = 1000
# 2. Participant-level analysis
participant_results <- run_power_participant(
effect_sizes1 = c(1.25, 1.50), # Main effects
effect_sizes2 = c(1.75, 2.00), # Minority interaction effects
Ns = c(30, 45, 60),
minority_rate = 0.3,
R_boot = 1000
# 3. View results
# 4. Display plots
If you use this package, please cite:
author = {Sergey Kornilov},
title = {minoRityPower: Power Analysis for Healthcare System Interventions in Clinical Trial Enrollment},
year = {2024},
publisher = {GitHub},
version = {0.1.1},
url = {https://github.com/biostochastics/minoRityPower}
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues and pull requests through GitHub.
This work was developed to support the evaluation of healthcare system-level interventions for the ARPA-H program application, focusing on accelerating clinical trial enrollment among minority participants.