A Heroku buildpack that configures a GO project built on the new 1.18 workspace.
This buildpack will setup Heroku GO build directives and the GO procfile based on environment variables. This environmental variable solution will allow a monorepo relying on a GO workspace to build multiple different dynos.
This buildpack will not compile GO code or complete a release. It is intended as a pre-processor for the standard GO work buildpack.
2 environment variables are expected, both pointing to files within the GO project itself.
This variable points to a file containing Heroku build directives that will be added to the go.work
For example:
The project/heroku-directives.txt
file contains the following content
// +heroku goVersion go1.18
// +heroku install ./cmd/...
The go.work
file also has the placeholder //HEROKU_WORK_DIRECTIVES
The build will replace the placeholder variable //HEROKU_WORK_DIRECTIVES
with the content of the project/heroku-directives.txt
This variable points to a file containing the Heroku procfile contents.
For example:
The project/Project-Procfile
file contains the following content
web: server
The contents of this file are copied to the root of the project in a new file named Procfile