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Experimental peer-to-peer application runtime.

  • NAT Traversal using libp2p identify v.1.0.0
  • MicroVM management using Firecracker
  • Service Discovery using IPFS Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
  • Local socket primitives
  • Fuse filesystem mount over the database

Empty Loop Architecture

Everything and nothing all at once.

Minimal scope for auraed which runs as PID 1 on a Linux kernel and will ultimately replace systemd.

For reliability purposes auraed will always start. However without TLS certificate material in place and registered with the daemon it will be an empty loop.

Additionally, after auraed has registered certificate material it will, by default, do nothing other than expose its registered endpoints over gRPC on a Unix Domain Socket.

We only have 2 primary flags, that have reasonable defaults.

 --sock (default: "/run/aurae.sock")
 --key  (default: "home/user/.ssh/id_aura")

This empty loop status of the daemon is it's default and most stable state. Once the loop is healthy work and capabilities can be registered to the daemon and the system can be composed at runtime.


Aurae maintains a strict isolation boundary between two spaces that is seperated by the aurae socket API.

  • Daemon space
  • Aurae space

Deamon space is most closely related to what Linux refers to as "kernel space". The daemon is responsible for executing various tasks on behalf of clients of the system. Unlike Linux, the daemon space is not limited to the some constraints of a hardware kernel. Memory management, process management, IPC, and basic operating system functionality is assumed.

Aurae space is most closely related to what Linux refers to as "User space". This is the part of the system that is destined for users of the system. Here is where applications exist, and where multitenancy is enforced.

First Principal: Everything in Aurae space exists in an isolation zone and MUST access the system via the local unix domain socket.

Aurae connection Syntax

Imagine an nginx server running on a node in the network.


Where domain is a registered domain that allows peers to identify each other in the public internet.

Relationship with POSIX

The project will be responsible for maintaing various POSIX compliant CLI tools.

These will leverage the auare.sock as a UNIX pipe which can be managed in a traditional POSIX environment.

We will house a series of improved Core utils that can be leveraged with Aurae nodes

auraefs # Used to mount filesystems that are registered with the `Storage` capability
ascp    # Traditional scp but leverages the aurae syntax
assh    # Traditional ssh but leverages the aurae socket for connections to nodes


Cloud Native Runtime







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