A command line application to control the backlight and other functions of my laptop. The code is reverse engineered based on the control center 3.0 software. It needs the dll from the original software "InsydeDCHU.dll" which can easily be copied from the original location. But I will not include this for copyright reasons.
- Key backlight control:
- Colour (full RGB)
- Brightness (256 steps, both more and less bright)
- Some modes (strobing etc)
- Fan control
- Power mode
- Full fan curve control
Just run the program with the right command and maybe subcommand. There is help available to find all commands and their use.
It uses .NET core 3.1 so a new version of the .NET runtime is needed to compile and run the software.
To run the software
dotnet run help
To compile the software into a stand alone exe
dotnet publish -c release /p:PublishReadyToRun=true