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amitraj2203 committed May 31, 2024
2 parents b258f0b + 768900f commit a799b88
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Showing 149 changed files with 2,881 additions and 1,192 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions backport-changelog/6.6/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions backport-changelog/6.6/
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions backport-changelog/6.6/
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions backport-changelog/6.6/
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

11 changes: 1 addition & 10 deletions docs/how-to-guides/themes/
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Expand Up @@ -336,16 +336,7 @@ The following presets can be defined via `theme.json`:
- `color.palette`:
- generates 3 classes per preset value: color, background-color, and border-color.
- generates a single custom property per preset value.
- `spacing.spacingScale`: used to generate an array of spacing preset sizes for use with padding, margin, and gap settings.
- `operator`: specifies how to calculate the steps with either `*` for multiplier, or `+` for sum.
- `increment`: the amount to increment each step by. Core by default uses a 'perfect 5th' multiplier of `1.5`.
- `steps`: the number of steps to generate in the spacing scale. The default is 7. To prevent the generation of the spacing presets, and to disable the related UI, this can be set to `0`.
- `mediumStep`: the steps in the scale are generated descending and ascending from a medium step, so this should be the size value of the medium space, without the unit. The default medium step is `1.5rem` so the mediumStep value is `1.5`.
- `unit`: the unit the scale uses, eg. `px, rem, em, %`. The default is `rem`.
- `spacing.spacingSizes`: themes can choose to include a static `spacing.spacingSizes` array of spacing preset sizes if they have a sequence of sizes that can't be generated via an increment or multiplier.
- `name`: a human readable name for the size, eg. `Small, Medium, Large`.
- `slug`: the machine readable name. In order to provide the best cross site/theme compatibility the slugs should be in the format, "10","20","30","40","50","60", with "50" representing the `Medium` size value.
- `size`: the size, including the unit, eg. `1.5rem`. It is possible to include fluid values like `clamp(2rem, 10vw, 20rem)`.
- `spacing.spacingSizes`/`spacing.spacingScale`: generates a single custom property per preset value.
- `typography.fontSizes`: generates a single class and custom property per preset value.
- `typography.fontFamilies`: generates a single custom property per preset value.

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30 changes: 17 additions & 13 deletions docs/reference-guides/block-api/
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Expand Up @@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ While the `isActive` property is optional, it's recommended. This API is used by

If `isActive` is not set, the Editor cannot distinguish between an instance of the original block and your variation, so the original block information will be displayed.

The property can be set to either a function or an array of strings (`string[]`).
The property can be set to either an array of strings (`string[]`), or a function. It is recommended to use the string array version whenever possible.

The function version of this property accepts a block instance's `blockAttributes` as the first argument, and the `variationAttributes` declared for a variation as the second argument. These arguments can be used to determine if a variation is active by comparing them and returning a `true` or `false` (indicating whether this variation is inactive for this block instance).
The `string[]` version is used to declare which of the block instance's attributes should be compared to the given variation's. Each attribute will be checked and the variation will be active if all of them match.

As an example, in the core Embed block, the `providerNameSlug` attribute is used to determine the embed provider (e.g. 'youtube' or 'twitter'). The variations may be declared like this:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,28 +162,32 @@ const variations = [

The `isActive` function can compare the block instance value for `providerNameSlug` to the value declared in the variation's declaration (the values in the code snippet above) to determine which embed variation is active:
The `isActive` property would then look like this:

isActive: ( blockAttributes, variationAttributes ) =>
blockAttributes.providerNameSlug === variationAttributes.providerNameSlug,
isActive: [ 'providerNameSlug' ]

The `string[]` version is used to declare which attributes should be compared as a shorthand. Each attribute will be checked and the variation will be active if all of them match. Using the same example for the embed block, the string version would look like this:
This will cause the block instance value for `providerNameSlug` to be compared to the value declared in the variation's declaration (the values in the code snippet above) to determine which embed variation is active.

Nested object paths are also supported. For example, consider a block variation that has a `query` object as an attribute. It is possible to determine if the variation is active solely based on that object's `postType` property (while ignoring all its other properties):

isActive: [ 'providerNameSlug' ]
isActive: [ 'query.postType' ]

Nested object paths are also supported. For example, consider a block variation that has a `query` object as an attribute. It is possible to determine if the variation is active solely based on that object's `postType` property (while ignoring all its other properties):
The function version of this property accepts a block instance's `blockAttributes` as the first argument, and the `variationAttributes` declared for a variation as the second argument. These arguments can be used to determine if a variation is active by comparing them and returning a `true` or `false` (indicating whether this variation is inactive for this block instance).

Using the same example for the embed block, the function version would look like this:

isActive: [ 'query.postType' ]
isActive: ( blockAttributes, variationAttributes ) =>
blockAttributes.providerNameSlug === variationAttributes.providerNameSlug,

### Caveats to using `isActive`
### Specificity of `isActive` matches

The `isActive` property can return false positives if multiple variations exist for a specific block and the `isActive` checks are not specific enough. To demonstrate this, consider the following example:
If there are multiple variations whose `isActive` check matches a given block instance, and all of them are string arrays, then the variation with the highest _specificity_ will be chosen. Consider the following example:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,6 +216,6 @@ wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation(

The `isActive` check on both variations tests the `textColor`, but each variations uses `vivid-red`. Since the `paragraph-red` variation is registered first, once the `paragraph-red-grey` variation is inserted into the Editor, it will have the title `Red Paragraph` instead of `Red/Grey Paragraph`. As soon as the Editor finds a match, it stops checking.
If a block instance has attributes `textColor: vivid-red` and `backgroundColor: cyan-bluish-gray`, both variations' `isActive` criterion will match that block instance. In this case, the more _specific_ match will be determined to be the active variation, where specificity is calculated as the length of each `isActive` array. This means that the `Red/Grey Paragraph` will be shown as the active variation.

There have been [discussions]( around how the API can be improved, but as of WordPress 6.3, this remains an issue to watch out for.
Note that specificity cannot be determined for a matching variation if its `isActive` property is a function rather than a `string[]`. In this case, the first matching variation will be determined to be the active variation. For this reason, it is generally recommended to use a `string[]` rather than a `function` for the `isActive` property.
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Expand Up @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ Settings related to spacing.
| padding | boolean | false | |
| units | array | px,em,rem,vh,vw,% | |
| customSpacingSize | boolean | true | |
| defaultSpacingSizes | boolean | true | |
| spacingSizes | array | | name, size, slug |
| spacingScale | object | | |

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Expand Up @@ -88,8 +88,27 @@ The new `defaultFontSizes` option gives control over showing default font sizes

It is `true` by default when switching to v3. This is to be consistent with how other `default*` options work such as `settings.color.defaultPalette`, but differs from the behavior in v2.

In theme.json v2, the default font sizes were only shown when theme sizes were not defined. A theme providing font sizes with the same slugs as the defaults would always override the default ones.

To keep behavior similar to v2 with a v3 theme.json:
* If you do not have any `fontSizes` defined, `defaultFontSizes` can be left out or set to `true`.
* If you have some `fontSizes` defined, set `defaultFontSizes` to `false`.

#### `settings.spacing.defaultSpacingSizes`

In theme.json v2, there are two settings that could be used to set theme level spacing sizes: `settings.spacing.spacingSizes` and `settings.spacing.spacingScale`. Setting both `spacingSizes` _and_ `spacingScale` would only use the values from `spacingSizes`. And setting either of them would always replace the entire set of default spacing sizes provided by WordPress.

The default `spacingSizes` slugs provided by WordPress are: `20`, `30`, `40`, `50`, `60`, `70`, and `80`.

The new `defaultSpacingSizes` option gives control over showing default spacing sizes and preventing those defaults from being overridden.

- When set to `true` it will show the default spacing sizes and prevent them from being overridden by the theme.
- When set to `false` it will hide the default spacing sizes and allow the theme to use the default slugs.

`defaultSpacingSizes` is `true` by default when switching to v3. This is to be consistent with how other `default*` options work such as `settings.color.defaultPalette`, but differs from the behavior in v2.

Additionally, in v3 both `spacingSizes` and `spacingScale` can be set at the same time. Presets defined in `spacingSizes` with slugs matching the generated presets from `spacingSizes` will override the generated ones.

To keep behavior similar to v2 with a v3 theme.json:
* If you do not have any `spacingSizes` presets or `spacingScale` config defined, `defaultSpacingSizes` can be left out or set to `true`.
* If you disabled default spacing sizes by setting `spacingScale` to `{ "steps": 0 }`, remove the `spacingScale` config and set `defaultSpacingSizes` to `false`.
* If you defined only one of either `spacingScale` or `spacingSizes` for your presets, set `defaultSpacingSizes` to `false`.
* If you defined both `spacingScale` and `spacingSizes`, remove the `spacingSizes` config _and_ set `defaultSpacingSizes` to `false`.
68 changes: 53 additions & 15 deletions lib/block-supports/block-style-variations.php
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Expand Up @@ -7,17 +7,17 @@

* Get the class name for this application of this block's variation styles.
* Generate block style variation instance name.
* @since 6.6.0
* @param array $block Block object.
* @param string $variation Slug for the block style variation.
* @return string The unique class name.
* @return string The unique variation name.
function gutenberg_get_block_style_variation_class_name( $block, $variation ) {
return 'is-style-' . $variation . '--' . md5( serialize( $block ) );
function gutenberg_create_block_style_variation_instance_name( $block, $variation ) {
return $variation . '--' . md5( serialize( $block ) );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,31 +79,69 @@ function gutenberg_render_block_style_variation_support_styles( $parsed_block )
return $parsed_block;

$variation_instance = gutenberg_create_block_style_variation_instance_name( $parsed_block, $variation );
$class_name = "is-style-$variation_instance";
$updated_class_name = $parsed_block['attrs']['className'] . " $class_name";

* Even though block style variations are effectively theme.json partials,
* they can't be processed completely as though they are.
* Block styles support custom selectors to direct specific types of styles
* to inner elements. For example, borders on Image block's get applied to
* the inner `img` element rather than the wrapping `figure`.
* The following relocates the "root" block style variation styles to
* under an appropriate blocks property to leverage the preexisting style
* generation for simple block style variations. This way they get the
* custom selectors they need.
* The inner elements and block styles for the variation itself are
* still included at the top level but scoped by the variation's selector
* when the stylesheet is generated.
$elements_data = $variation_data['elements'] ?? array();
$blocks_data = $variation_data['blocks'] ?? array();
unset( $variation_data['elements'] );
unset( $variation_data['blocks'] );

array( $parsed_block['blockName'], 'variations', $variation_instance ),

$config = array(
'version' => WP_Theme_JSON_Gutenberg::LATEST_SCHEMA,
'styles' => $variation_data,
'styles' => array(
'elements' => $elements_data,
'blocks' => $blocks_data,

$class_name = gutenberg_get_block_style_variation_class_name( $parsed_block, $variation );
$updated_class_name = $parsed_block['attrs']['className'] . " $class_name";

$class_name = ".$class_name";

// Turn off filter that excludes block nodes. They are needed here for the variation's inner block types.
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
remove_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' );

// Temporarily prevent variation instance from being sanitized while processing theme.json.
$styles_registry = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance();
$styles_registry->register( $parsed_block['blockName'], array( 'name' => $variation_instance ) );

$variation_theme_json = new WP_Theme_JSON_Gutenberg( $config, 'blocks' );
$variation_styles = $variation_theme_json->get_stylesheet(
array( 'styles' ),
array( 'custom' ),
'root_selector' => $class_name,
'skip_root_layout_styles' => true,
'scope' => $class_name,
'scope' => ".$class_name",

// Clean up temporary block style now instance styles have been processed.
$styles_registry->unregister( $parsed_block['blockName'], $variation_instance );

// Restore filter that excludes block nodes.
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
add_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' );
Expand All @@ -112,7 +150,7 @@ function gutenberg_render_block_style_variation_support_styles( $parsed_block )
return $parsed_block;

wp_register_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', false, array( 'global-styles' ) );
wp_register_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', false, array( 'global-styles', 'wp-block-library' ) );
wp_add_inline_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', $variation_styles );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +185,7 @@ function gutenberg_render_block_style_variation_class_name( $block_content, $blo
* Matches a class prefixed by `is-style`, followed by the
* variation slug, then `--`, and finally a hash.
* See `gutenberg_get_block_style_variation_class_name` for class generation.
* See `gutenberg_create_block_style_variation_instance_name` for class generation.
preg_match( '/\bis-style-(\S+?--\w+)\b/', $block['attrs']['className'], $matches );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +217,7 @@ function gutenberg_render_block_style_variation_class_name( $block_content, $blo
* @param array $variations Shared block style variations.
* @return array Block variations data to be merged under styles.blocks
* @return array Block variations data to be merged under `styles.blocks`.
function gutenberg_resolve_and_register_block_style_variations( $variations ) {
$variations_data = array();
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