This is a website for FRAM, a webshop for food service. I made this project and aim to create a responsive website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Visualises a landing page that shows the logo, information on how it works and images of some products.
- Shows a clean layout that applies to big and smaller screens.
- Buttons are interactive.
- Fonts as follows are Arimo and Frank Ruhl and used accordingly.
- Renamed Files for easy checking
- Created a separate HTML file for the Product Page
- Keeping the logo centered and icons at the right places
- Making it look visually appealing on both big and small screens.
- Stock link aligned under the step description
- Add to basket button inside the Product image
- Used flexbox to align things better
- Added media queries to stack things properly on smaller screens.
- Moved the html for stock link inside the class step-description-container
Actions | Next actions
- Continue with Product Page HTML + CSS Properties