Best pull request for a feature or experiment (deadline is Sunday)
You will need docker, node, and python installed on your workstation
git clone -b hackru
virtualenv hacked
source hacked/bin/activate
pip install localstack
npm install -g aws-sam-local
localstack start
or if you want to run in backgroundlocalstack start &
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api create-bucket --bucket test-bucket --region us-east-1
(you just made your first AWS call!)cd test/bucketpolicy
sam local invoke slingrFunction -e slingr_event.json
(just ran your first experiment!)
Find some AWS credit and make your own account to move from local env to public cloud. You will need
git clone -b hackru
npm install -g aws-sam-local
cd src/lambda/bucketpolicy
sam deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name chaostest --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
ChaoSlingr is a Security Chaos Engineering Tool focused primarily on the experimentation on AWS Infrastructure to bring system security weaknesses to the forefront.
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