is an R
package that provides tools for generating, visualising, and analysing Link Communities in networks. See the companion paper for more information.
# Explore the in-built Les Miserables network:
lm <- getLinkCommunities(lesmiserables)
# Visualize the communities:
plot(lm, type = "graph", layout = "")
# Extract the nodes from the first community:
n1 <- getNodesIn(lm, clusterids = 1)
# Nodes shared by communities 10 and 11:
ns <- get.shared.nodes(lm, comms = 10:11)
# Node community centrality scores:
nc <- getCommunityCentrality(lm)
# Community connectedness scores:
cc <- getCommunityConnectedness(lm)
Kalinka AT, Tomancak P (2011). “linkcomm: an R package for the generation, visualization, and analysis of link communities in networks of arbitrary size and type.” Bioinformatics, 27, 2011-2012.