Composable preview in Compose Desktop + IntelliJ is very limited and kinda sucks, right?
Let's fix that, right now!
- Support for custom themes and any way you use to customise your app theme.
- DSL for creating previews.
- Sugar-coated functions for creating light and dark previews at once with no boilerplate.
- Modern UI for previews.
- Show borders and debug information for the previewed view in the preview area.
- Gradle plugin to make previews work automatically by adding an annotation to the existing @Preview-annotated composable.
Follow the steps on JitPack to add it to your dependencies.
Create a wrapper Composable that will set up your own theme for the preview via the
:@Composable fun AppThemePreviewer(content: PreviewerScope.() -> Unit) { Previewer(wrapperBlock = { wrappedContent -> // The `previewTheme` property is accessible via the PreviewScope // The `wrapperBlock` function will wrap every preview created with this Previewer composable AppTheme(isDarkModeOverride = previewTheme.isDark) { wrappedContent() } }, content = content) }
Create a composable function annotated with @Preview, where you will use the DSL to create the various previews:
@Preview @Composable fun MyPreview() { AppThemePreviewer { previewLightAndDark("My button preview") { MyComposable() } preview { MyComposable() } previewLightAndDark("Radio button") { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentColor provides MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground) { RadioButtonWithLabel("This is a test radio", true, onClick = {}) } } } }
See the LICENSE file.