This is a copy of the CVS archive tagges REL_5-4-0, modulo a number of files that remains, possibly of interest.
This is the
v5.4.0 Latest
release of the ciforth factory system, release date is 2022 april 6, with some of the packages that are generated from this release.
The most important addition is the floating point package. The library is made compatible with the arm ciforth versions, that are not contained in this source release. The archive may contain small changes on top of CVS_REL-5-4-0 that result in increments of the minor version number.
The archives lina32-5.4.#.tar.gz and lina64-5.4.#.tar.gz contain official lina releases for the linux operating system, a combination of source , documentation and executables, as well as the texinfo source for the documentation and the .fas source for the executable. These archives were and still are distributed via https://forth.hcc.nl/producten/ciforth.html and http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst/index.html and later here in this archive.
Likewise the archives wina32-5.4.# and wina32-5.4.# contains wina releases, for the MS-Windows operating system.
The date git mentions deviates from the real release date because the source were copied from cvs to git after this release. It is the time this release was published on git.
There is also a debian type releases only for linux. It will install the documentation, the libraries and the binaries in all the right places. This version is available in 32 bit and 64 bit. However is not endorsed by Debian or part of a debian distribution.
Look elsewhere to find arm versions and possible other compatible compilers for different architectures and operating systems.
The other compressed archives are present because github generates them automatically with a release and are best ignored. They are of dubious use, because everybody who contemplates using the ciforth factory (e.g. for creating an UEFI booting version) would undoubtedly contact the author and work with the latest CVS archive. Neither would they be an acceptable source archive in behalf of Debian because of the presence of executables and the presence of MSDOS, booting, OSX and MS-Windows related sources.
Added to this release compatible lina versions for arm with names starting with "ciarm" . They are added here because they are compatible with version 5.4.0., but they cannot be generated by this compiler factory. For convenience they are added here.