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This is a simple English Quiz application built with Python and Tkinter. The app allows users to take quizzes based on their grade level and practice English vocabulary.


  • Quiz Mode: Users can take a quiz by selecting their grade level. The app will fetch random questions from the database and display them to the user.
  • Word Practice Mode: Users can practice vocabulary words. The app will fetch random words and their definitions from the database and display them one by one.
  • Database Interaction: The app uses SQLite to store and retrieve quiz questions and vocabulary words.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd TalkFlow
  2. Install the required libraries:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up the database:

    • Ensure that app_data.db is present in the same directory as the script.
    • The database should contain a table qa_table for quiz questions and Words for vocabulary words.


  1. Run the application:

  2. Using the Application:

    • Start Quiz: Choose "Start Quiz", enter your grade level, and answer the questions.
    • Word Practice: Choose "Word Practice" to start practicing vocabulary words.

Code Overview

This script is the main entry point for the application.

  • Imports:

    • sqlite3: For database interaction.
    • random: For shuffling quiz questions.
    • menu, word_practice, sys, graphic_ver, os: Modules for various functionalities of the application.
  • Database Connection: Establishes a connection to the SQLite database app_data.db.

  • Functions:

    • fetch_questions(grade): Fetches quiz questions based on the specified grade level.
    • ask_question(question_data, question_number): Displays a quiz question and gets the user's answer.
    • grades(): Prompts the user to enter their grade level.
    • main(): The main quiz logic, fetching questions, asking them, and calculating the score.
  • Execution: Runs an infinite loop to display the menu and execute the corresponding command.

This script handles the user menu and getting the user's name.

  • Database Connection: Establishes a connection to the SQLite database app_data.db.

  • Functions:

    • username(): Retrieves the user's name from the database or prompts the user to enter their name if not found.
    • display_menu(): Displays the main menu options to the user.
    • get_user_choice(): Validates the user's menu choice.
  • Preview:

    • Start Quiz
    • Start Quiz (graphic version)
    • Word Practice
    • Exit

This script handles the word practice mode.

  • Imports:

    • sqlite3: For database interaction.
    • requests: For making API calls to fetch random words and their definitions.
    • date: For checking and storing the date of word retrieval.
    • os, time: For system operations and delays.
    • menu: For interacting with the user menu.
  • Functions:

    • main(): Main logic for word practice, fetching words and definitions, and displaying them to the user.
    • word(): Fetches a random word from the API.
    • definition(): Fetches the definition of the word from the API.
    • database(): Inserts fetched words and definitions into the database.
    • date_checker(): Checks the latest date words were retrieved from the database.

This script imports questions and answers from text files (questions.txt and answers.txt) into an SQLite database (app_data.db) for use in the English Quiz application.

  • Imports:

    • sqlite3: For database interaction.
  • Description:

    • Connects to the SQLite database app_data.db.
    • Reads questions and answers from text files and splits them into individual items.
    • Inserts each question, options, answer, and grade into the qa_table.
    • Commits changes and closes the database connection.
  • Downloading Text Files:

    • You can download sample questions.txt and answers.txt files from the internet.
    • Place these files in the same directory as the script before running

This script contains the main application class for the graphical version of the English Quiz App.

  • Main Application Class:

    • EnglishQuizApp: Initializes the application, creates the UI, and handles the logic for the quiz and word practice modes.
  • Methods:

    • start_quiz(): Starts the quiz by fetching questions from the database and displaying them to the user.
    • start_word_practice(): Starts the word practice mode by fetching random words and their definitions from the database and displaying them one by one.
    • fetch_questions(): Fetches quiz questions from the database based on the user's grade level.
    • fetch_words(): Fetches random words and their definitions from the database.
    • ask_question(): Displays a quiz question and gets the user's answer.
    • show_next_word(): Displays the next word and its definition in word practice mode.
    • exit_app(): Exits the application.

Database Structure

  • qa_table:

    • grade: TEXT
    • question: TEXT
    • options: TEXT
    • answer: TEXT
  • Words:

    • word: TEXT
    • definition: TEXT


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for details.