Command-line tools that fetch a user's listening history from and perform analysis on it (e.g. what was I listening to last October?).
First, run update
to fetch data from This data is stored in a local
SQLite database. Then, you can run the analysis commands top-artists
to get the top artists and albums for a given time period. Usage
for these commands looks like:
$ last-fm-tools top-artists 2020-01 --user=foo
$ last-fm-tools top-albums 2020-01-01 2020-02-01 --user=foo --number=20
Configuration options
come from []. Note that doesn't save these values, so you'll need to put them somewhere safe (e.g. the config file mentioned below, or a password manager).user
is the username.database
is the path to the sqlite database file.sendgrid_api_key
(optional) is the API key for SendGrid, used for sending email reportsfrom
(optional) is the email address to send reports from
These may be specified either as normal flags, or as configuration options in
, forex:
database: "$HOME/lastfm.db"
api_key: ""
secret: ""
sendgrid_api_key: ""
from: "[email protected]"
This project uses bazel for building. It's the only required dependency. To build and run directly using Bazel:
$ bazel run //:last-fm-tools -- update --user=foo --database=$HOME/lastfm.db
To run tests:
$ bazel test //...
To update dependencies edit [go.mod], and then run Gazelle:
bazel run //:gazelle -- update-repos -from_file=go.mod -to_macro=repositories.bzl%go_repositories
bazel run //:gazelle