CircuitPython 4.1.0 Release Candidate 0
Pre-release4.1.0's biggest feature is speed! General execution of Python should be 2-5x faster and display refreshing will be faster as well.
This is the first and hopefully last release candidate. It shouldn't break any code compatible with previous 4.x releases. Please use the latest 4.x stable release (available from the new website!) when first starting with CircuitPython. It is stable.
Download it now from See here for the full release notes.
Over 60 boards are now supported by CircuitPython 4.1.0. Check out the new page for full list of all available versions.
It's not too late to contribute to CircuitPython! Check out this guide for details. We're always looking to improve and expect many stable releases in the 4.x line to happen through the summer. Subscribe to the Python for Microcontrollers newsletter on for the latest news for all things Python.
Downloads are now available from! This site makes it much easier to select the correct file and language for your board. The downloads page is here.
To install follow the instructions in our new Welcome to CircuitPython! guide. To install the latest libraries, see this page in that guide.
Try the latest version of the Mu editor for creating and editing your CircuitPython programs and for easy access to the CircuitPython serial connection (the REPL).
New Fixes and Features since 4.1.0-beta.1
- Underlying support for RGB status LEDs. Thanks to @C47D
- Correct UART TX pin on SAMD51. Thanks to @rce1086
- Increase busio.UART maximum RX buffer size. Thanks to @iot49
- Swap terminal font on ugame10. Thanks to @deshipu
New Boards
- Adafruit PyRuler. Thanks @kattni
- J&J Studios datum-Distance. Thanks to @jandjstudios
- J&J Studios datum-IMU. Thanks to @jandjstudios
- J&J Studios datum-Light. Thanks to @jandjstudios
- J&J Studios datum-Weather. Thanks to @jandjstudios
Thank you to all who used, tested, contributed, helped out, and participated on GitHub and/or Discord:
@adafruit, @alexhagerman, @anecdata, @ATMakersBill, @baorepo, @C47D, @deshipu, @dhalbert, @elvis-epx, @iot49, @jandjstudios, @jpecor, @jreese, @kattni, @ladyada, @madbodger, @makermelissa, @matt-land, @Mikebarela, @mr. Certainly, @mrmcwethy, @ntavish, @ptorrone, @rce1086, @shazz, @siddacious, @sommersoft, @tannewt, and surely more we have missed. Join us on the Discord chat to collaborate.
Documentation is available in
Here are all the changes since 4.1.0-beta.0.
This release is based on MicroPython 1.9.4 @25ae98f. Support upstream MicroPython by purchasing a PyBoard (from Adafruit here).
Check out this guide for info on common problems with CircuitPython. If you are still having, then post to the Adafruit Support Forums and join Discord.