Email: [email protected] | GitHub: achasveachas | Website: | Blog: | Twitter: @yechielk
- Experience working, teaching, and learning remotely
- Familiar with HTML/CSS, PHP, Ruby, Sinatra, Rails, SQL, TDD, Javascript/jQuery, React
- Spent time in the FinTech industry, and familiar with all aspects of Payment Processing
- Fluent in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish
November 2018 - Present
- Worked to make Cloud Foundry compatible with Windows servers.
- Worked on a Windows implementation of Envoy Proxy
- Collected telemetry on the use of our products and presented the insights collected to product account teams and customers.
January 2018 – November 2018
Maintained the company’s legacy PHP applications, triaged and fixed bug reports and new feature requests, got rid of security holes in some of the older parts of the code.
December 2016 – January 2018
Provided integration and general tech related support to our merchants, wrote a React/Rails app to help the Integrations Department keep track of incoming integration requests, providing integration support via phone and email as well as remote sessions, deploying new accounts, researching and providing options for integrating merchants’ existing payment solutions with our hardware and software, created a React app to help the Integration Department keep track of compatible Payment Gateways.
June 2017 – September 2017
Helped students work out their challenges on their way to learning how to code, using the Socratic Method to help students reach their own solutions, screen-sharing in real time to help tutor students, review code in HTML/CSS, Ruby/Rails, Sinatra, SQL, JavaScript, Angular, React.
June 2015 – December 2016
Providing technical support via phone and email as well as remote sessions, deploying new accounts.
September 2011 – June 2015
Taught Jewish Studies in an online setting for children in remote communities all over the world, preparing lessons (making sure they are engaging enough for 3rd graders a mouse-click away from YouTube), tracking students’ progress, communicating with parents and faculty via email and phone.
2001 – Present
Organizing holiday events including the largest Passover Seder in the world, teaching both in one-on-one and larger class settings, helping build and translate websites for various Chabad Centers.
A Twitter bot that tweets a gif with a hug every few hours
- Twitter bot was built in Python using the Tweepy library and the giphy API.
Twitter Account: @ICanHazHugzPlz
Source Code: GitHub
Blog Post: Need a hug? There's a bot for that!
A Twitter bot that retweets whenever Alternate Side Parking rules are suspended in New York City. Users can also subscribe to get SMS notifications or call in to get the latests status.
- Twitter bot was built in NodeJS
- Added a Ruby app that uses the Twilio API to let users subscribe using an SMS message from their phone
- The Ruby/Twilio app also lets users call in to hear a voice recording of the latest status.
Twitter Account: @AlterSideBot
Source Code: Twitter Bot, Twilio App
Blog Post: Add SMS Notifications to Your Rails App Using Twilio
An app I built to help the Integrations Department at Fidelity Payment Services keep track of which payment gateways and shopping carts they integrate with.
- Rails REST API built using a TDD pattern with RSpec
- Uses React-Router for RESTful routing
- Utilizes JWT Tokens for Client-Side authentication
- Uses the AXLSX Rails gem to export the data as an Excel sheet.
Source Code: Client-React, API-Rails
Blog Post: From Job Applications To Compatibility Lists
An online tool for job seekers to track their job applications. It’s a ReactJS/Redux app talking to a Rails RESTful API with a PostgreSQL Database on the back end.
- Rails REST API built using a TDD pattern with RSpec
- Uses React-Router for RESTful routing
- Utilizes JWT Tokens for Client-Side authentication
Source Code: Client-React, API-Rails
Live Version: App-Tracker (Demo Username: demo, Password: demouser)
Blog Post: Time To OverReact A Bit
An online pilot logbook, where pilots can log their flight hours.
- Built using Rails with a PostgreSQL database
- Uses OmniAuth for OAuth authentication with GitHub
Source Code: GitHub
Live Version: FlyLog (Demo Username: [email protected], Password: demouser)
Blog Post: Fly Off The Rails
A basic Reddit clone. Originally built using Sinatra, later rebuilt using Rails with jQuery for the front-end. The app features threads with nested comments. users are authenticated using bcrypt or GitHub OAuth (in the Rails version).
- Built using Rails for the backend of the project
- Front-end uses jQuery to render forms, and post content to the DOM
Source Code: Rails/jQuery, Sinatra
Live Version: Freddit (Demo Username: demouser, Password: demouser)
Blog Post: I Challenge You Sinatra
A Ruby gem that generates the basic structure for Sinatra apps, including Model and Scaffold generators built after the Rails Model and Scaffold generators.
- A collaborative Open-Source project
- Contributed a Scaffold Generator that uses Thor to generate the MVC structure of a resource
Source Code: GitHub
Live Version: RubyGems
Blog Post: Of Scaffolds and Gems
See more of my projects on my GitHub profile
Full Stack Web Development
Rabbinic Ordination