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HRelix - HR Management System

Spring Boot Badge Spring Security Badge Spring Badge OpenJDK Badge PostgreSQL Badge Docker Badge


This project is a backend service built using Spring Boot and Java. It exposes RESTful API endpoints for managing resources in a PostgreSQL database. The application is containerized using Docker, enabling easy deployment and scaling.

For Security of endpoints and app, This project implements spring-security. All endpoints (if required) are secured to be accessed by only authentic users.

System Architecture


Documentation & Deployed Link

Check out all the documentations of the endpoints from this link below :)


This project is hosted on AWS you can test it from this link below :)


Project Dependencies

  • Java: opne jdk: v22.0.
  • Spring Boot: v3.3.3.
  • PostgreSQL: v16.0.
  • Docker: with docker-compose v3.0.
  • Maven: v4.0.0.


  • RESTful API endpoints for CRUD operations.
  • User authentication and authorization.
  • Integration with PostgreSQL for persistent storage.
  • Dockerized application for easy deployment.

Getting Started

1. Clone this repository

2. Build the application

./mvnw clean install

3. Running the Application

You can run the application using Maven or Maven-Wrapper.

Running HRelix Application (you can use any of the ways):

  1. Setup database with Docker
  • Before you run this application, make sure you have database setup, this can be done either of the ways using Docker or simply installing PostgreSQL in your system.

  • If you want to use docker install docker in your system and then run the below code, this wi setup database in your local system.

    docker-compose up --build
  1. Run the Spring Boot application:

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run 

    The application will start on http://localhost:8080.

  1. Connect to the PostgreSQL database:

    Ensure PostgreSQL is running and configured as per Create .env file in the root directory and paste the below configuration.

  2. Run the Spring Boot application:

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run 

The application will start on http://localhost:8080.


API Documentation


Here’s a list of all API endpoints for the HR Management System. These endpoints cover the main functionalities for managing employees, leave requests, payroll, performance reviews, and attendance tracking.

1. Public Endpoints

These endpoints handle public-related operations such as health-check and login.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Access Role
GET /api/v1/healthz Check running status of the backend OPEN
GET /api/v1/auth/login Login employee with email and password OPEN

2. Admin Endpoints

These endpoints handle admin-related operations such as create-new-employee, change-employee-role or delete-an-employee etc.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Access Role
POST /api/v1/admin/register This is to create admin when running this for the first time. OPEN
POST /api/v1/admin/create-new-employee-with-role This is to create new-employee with different roles like HR, EMPLOYEE, ADMIN ADMIN
POST /api/v1/admin/update-role/{id} This is to update roles of the employee. ADMIN

Here’s a comprehensive list of possible and useful API endpoints for the HR Management System. These endpoints cover the main functionalities for managing employees, leave requests, payroll, performance reviews, and attendance tracking.

1. Employee Management Endpoints

These endpoints handle employee-related operations such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting employee records.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Access Role
POST /api/employees Create a new employee ADMIN, HR
GET /api/employees Get a list of all employees ADMIN, HR
GET /api/employees/{id} Get employee details by ID ADMIN, HR, EMPLOYEE (self)
PUT /api/employees/{id} Update employee details ADMIN, HR
DELETE /api/employees/{id} Delete an employee ADMIN, HR
GET /api/employees/search Search employees by name, department, etc. ADMIN, HR
GET /api/employees/profile Get the current logged-in employee’s profile EMPLOYEE

2. Leave Management Endpoints

These endpoints manage leave applications, approvals, and rejections.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Access Role
POST /api/leaves Apply for a leave EMPLOYEE
GET /api/leaves Get a list of all leave requests (filtered by status) ADMIN, HR, EMPLOYEE (self)
GET /api/leaves/{id} Get leave request details by ID ADMIN, HR, EMPLOYEE (self)
PUT /api/leaves/{id}/status Approve or Reject a leave request ADMIN, HR
GET /api/leaves/employee/{empId} Get all leave requests of an employee ADMIN, HR
GET /api/leaves/types Get available leave types (SICK, ANNUAL, etc.) ADMIN, HR, EMPLOYEE

This project is still under development and more endpoints and features will be updated.

Thanks :)