Display of Vega visualizations from Gists, inspired by Mike Bostock's bl.ocks.org.
Visit the live application on Heroku.
Simply create a Vega specification in a Gist, and name the file vega.json
See this basic bar chart Gist and its corresponding
Sitar view. You can also use relative URLs in your Gist to point to data,
see this Dimpvis plot Gist
and its Sitar view. These two examples
come from the Vega examples built by the core Vega team
at Trifacta
and the UW Interactive Data Lab.
Gist URLs are constructed as http://sitar.herokuapp.com/#username/gist-id.
User-level URLs are constructed as http://sitar.herokuapp.com/#username.
This site utilizes a single-file Tangelo server to pull the Gist content using the GitHub API based on the URL.
Development is powered by Kitware.
Apache v2