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stokesman committed Sep 19, 2021
1 parent 5ac9d0b commit 1ad6d70
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Showing 2 changed files with 231 additions and 174 deletions.
323 changes: 150 additions & 173 deletions packages/block-library/src/columns/edit.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,18 @@
* External dependencies
import classnames from 'classnames';
import { get, times } from 'lodash';
import { get } from 'lodash';

* WordPress dependencies
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import {
__experimentalRadio as Radio,
__experimentalRadioGroup as RadioGroup,
__experimentalToggleGroupControl as ToggleGroupControl,
__experimentalToggleGroupControlOption as ToggleGroupControlOption,
} from '@wordpress/components';
import {
Expand All @@ -26,22 +25,16 @@ import {
store as blockEditorStore,
} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import {
store as blocksStore,
} from '@wordpress/blocks';
import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element';

* Internal dependencies
import {
} from './utils';
import { getRevisedColumns, getVacantIndexes } from './utils';

* Allowed blocks constant is passed to InnerBlocks precisely as specified here.
Expand All @@ -54,133 +47,17 @@ import {
const ALLOWED_BLOCKS = [ 'core/column' ];

function ColumnsEdit( { attributes, setAttributes, clientId } ) {
function ColumnsEditInnards( {
// From ColumnsEditWrapper
} ) {
const { isStackedOnMobile, verticalAlignment } = attributes;

const { getBlockOrder, getBlocks } = useSelect(
( select ) => select( blockEditorStore ),
[ clientId ]

const innerBlockClientIds = getBlockOrder( clientId );
const [ count, setCount ] = useState();
const vacantIndexes = innerBlockClientIds.reduce(
( vacants, id, index ) =>
getBlockOrder( id ).length ? vacants : [ ...vacants, index ],

// Keeps count synced with actual inner block length. An approach that
// could avoid this not even have count as state would be nice.
useEffect( () => {
if ( count !== innerBlockClientIds.length ) {
setCount( innerBlockClientIds.length );
}, [ innerBlockClientIds.length, count ] );

const { updateBlockAttributes, replaceInnerBlocks } = useDispatch(

* Update all child Column blocks with a new vertical alignment setting
* based on whatever alignment is passed in. This allows change to parent
* to overide anything set on a individual column basis.
* @param {string} nextAlignment the vertical alignment setting
const updateAlignment = ( nextAlignment ) => {
// Update own alignment.
setAttributes( { verticalAlignment: nextAlignment } );

// Update all child Column Blocks to match
innerBlockClientIds.forEach( ( innerBlockClientId ) => {
updateBlockAttributes( innerBlockClientId, {
verticalAligment: nextAlignment,
} );
} );

* Updates the column count, including necessary revisions to child Column
* blocks to grant required or redistribute available space.
* @param {number} previousColumns Previous column count.
* @param {number} newColumns New column count.
const updateColumns = ( previousColumns, newColumns ) => {
let innerBlocks = getBlocks( clientId );
const hasExplicitWidths = hasExplicitPercentColumnWidths( innerBlocks );

// Redistribute available width for existing inner blocks.
const isAddingColumn = newColumns > previousColumns;

if ( isAddingColumn && hasExplicitWidths ) {
// If adding a new column, assign width to the new column equal to
// as if it were `1 / columns` of the total available space.
const newColumnWidth = toWidthPrecision( 100 / newColumns );

// Redistribute in consideration of pending block insertion as
// constraining the available working width.
const widths = getRedistributedColumnWidths(
100 - newColumnWidth

innerBlocks = [
...getMappedColumnWidths( innerBlocks, widths ),
...times( newColumns - previousColumns, () => {
return createBlock( 'core/column', {
width: `${ newColumnWidth }%`,
} );
} ),
} else if ( isAddingColumn ) {
innerBlocks = [
...times( newColumns - previousColumns, () => {
return createBlock( 'core/column' );
} ),
} else {
// Removes vacant columns
const difference = previousColumns - newColumns;
const indexesToRemove = vacantIndexes.slice( -difference );
innerBlocks = innerBlocks.filter(
( item, index ) => ! indexesToRemove.includes( index )

if ( hasExplicitWidths ) {
// Redistribute as if block is already removed.
const widths = getRedistributedColumnWidths( innerBlocks, 100 );

innerBlocks = getMappedColumnWidths( innerBlocks, widths );

replaceInnerBlocks( clientId, innerBlocks );
setCount( innerBlocks.length );

const columnsMin = Math.max( 1, count - vacantIndexes.length );
const columnsMax = 6;
const columnsRadioList = [];
for ( let i = 1; i <= columnsMax; i++ ) {
const disabled = i < columnsMin;
<Radio key={ i } { ...{ disabled, value: i } }>
{ i }
if ( count > columnsMax ) {
<Radio key={ count } value={ count }>
{ count }

const classes = classnames( {
[ `are-vertically-aligned-${ verticalAlignment }` ]: verticalAlignment,
[ `is-not-stacked-on-mobile` ]: ! isStackedOnMobile,
Expand All @@ -195,6 +72,14 @@ function ColumnsEdit( { attributes, setAttributes, clientId } ) {
renderAppender: false,
} );

const layoutPanelProps = {

return (
Expand All @@ -204,45 +89,137 @@ function ColumnsEdit( { attributes, setAttributes, clientId } ) {
<PanelBody title={ __( 'Columns' ) }>
label={ __( 'Quantity' ) }
onChange={ ( value ) => {
// Somehow keyboard input is has this fire
// twice so this avoids the extra one
if ( value !== count ) {
updateColumns( count, value );
} }
checked={ count }
{ columnsRadioList }
{ count > 6 && (
<Notice status="warning" isDismissible={ false }>
{ __(
'This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual breakage.'
) }
) }
label={ __( 'Stack on mobile' ) }
checked={ isStackedOnMobile }
onChange={ () =>
setAttributes( {
isStackedOnMobile: ! isStackedOnMobile,
} )
<ColumnsLayoutPanel { ...layoutPanelProps } />
<div { ...innerBlocksProps } />

function ColumnsLayoutPanel( {
} ) {
const countMin = Math.max( 1, count - vacantIndexes.length );
const countMax = 6;
const countOptionList = [];
for ( let i = 1; i <= countMax; i++ ) {
const disabled = i < countMin;
const itemProps = { disabled, value: i, label: i, key: i };
countOptionList.push( <ToggleGroupControlOption { ...itemProps } /> );
if ( count > countMax ) {
const itemProps = { value: count, label: count, key: count };
countOptionList.push( <ToggleGroupControlOption { ...itemProps } /> );
return (
<PanelBody title={ __( 'Layout' ) }>
label={ __( 'Quantity' ) }
onChange={ reviseColumns }
value={ count }
{ countOptionList }
{ count > 6 && (
<Notice status="warning" isDismissible={ false }>
{ __(
'This column count exceeds the recommended amount and may cause visual breakage.'
) }
) }
label={ __( 'Stack on mobile' ) }
checked={ isStackedOnMobile }
onChange={ () =>
setAttributes( {
isStackedOnMobile: ! isStackedOnMobile,
} )

function ColumnsEditWrapper( props ) {
const { clientId, setAttributes } = props;
const { getBlockOrder, getBlocks, initialBlocks } = useSelect(
( select ) => {
const store = select( blockEditorStore );
return {
getBlockOrder: store.getBlockOrder,
getBlocks: store.getBlocks,
initialBlocks: store.getBlocks( clientId ),
[ clientId ]

const [ { count, vacantIndexes }, setColumnStats ] = useState( {
vacantIndexes: getVacantIndexes( initialBlocks ),
count: initialBlocks.length,
} );

const innerBlockClientIds = getBlockOrder( clientId );
// Updates state from external changes to inner blocks such as reordering,
// insertion, and deletion.
useEffect( () => {
const blocks = getBlocks( clientId );
setColumnStats( {
vacantIndexes: getVacantIndexes( blocks ),
count: blocks.length,
} );
}, [ clientId, ...innerBlockClientIds ] );

const { updateBlockAttributes, replaceInnerBlocks } = useDispatch(
* Update all child Column blocks with a new vertical alignment setting
* based on whatever alignment is passed in. This allows change to parent
* to overide anything set on a individual column basis.
* @param {string} verticalAlignment the vertical alignment setting
const updateAlignment = ( verticalAlignment ) => {
// Update own alignment.
setAttributes( { verticalAlignment } );

// Update all child Column Blocks to match
innerBlockClientIds.forEach( ( innerBlockClientId ) => {
updateBlockAttributes( innerBlockClientId, {
} );
} );

const reviseColumns = useCallback(
( nextCount ) => {
const current = getBlocks( clientId );
const revised = getRevisedColumns( current, nextCount );
replaceInnerBlocks( clientId, revised );
setColumnStats( {
vacantIndexes: getVacantIndexes( revised ),
count: revised.length,
} );
[ clientId ]

const propsOut = {

return <ColumnsEditInnards { ...propsOut } />;

function Placeholder( { clientId, name, setAttributes } ) {
const { blockType, defaultVariation, variations } = useSelect(
( select ) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,16 +266,16 @@ function Placeholder( { clientId, name, setAttributes } ) {

const MetaColumnsEdit = ( props ) => {
const ColumnsEdit = ( props ) => {
const { clientId } = props;
const hasInnerBlocks = useSelect(
( select ) =>
select( blockEditorStore ).getBlocks( clientId ).length > 0,
[ clientId ]
const Component = hasInnerBlocks ? ColumnsEdit : Placeholder;
const Component = hasInnerBlocks ? ColumnsEditWrapper : Placeholder;

return <Component { ...props } />;

export default MetaColumnsEdit;
export default ColumnsEdit;

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