New documentation available
Voir la Présentation en francais
Voir le Guide en francais
The C++ Starting Kit Project is a minimal set of useful tools and tips for C++ and Sublime Text beginners. It provides :
The C++ Starting Kit Plugin
- C, C++ and C++11 combined and improved syntax definition for Sublime Text.
- A convenient C++ syntax definition for custom syntax highlighting.
- Custom build system for g++ compiler.
The Oasis Theme Plugin
- A color scheme compatible with the C++ Starting Kit plugin
- A recommended minimal environment.
The C++ Starting Kit Project - Guide
- An accessible and structured documentation for a quick start.
- A procedure for the integration of Git and other Linux Shell functionalities. (Windows 7 users only)
Oasis Theme, Soda Theme and Consolas Font not included
A better language definition
Fully customizable operator types
Fully customizable punctuation with extra features
C++11 raw string support
Documented code for an easy maintenance