This repository contains a Jupyter notebook that tackles the problem of classifying toxic comments into six distinct categories. The goal is to develop machine learning models that outperform existing benchmarks, with a focus on state-of-the-art performance metrics like mean column-wise ROC AUC. The challenge can be found here:
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Visualization of word frequencies using word clouds.
- Distribution analysis of the six toxicity categories.
- Correlation analysis between labels.
- Data Preprocessing:
- Removal of special characters and punctuation using regular expressions.
- Lowercasing text for consistency.
- Removing multiple, leading, and trailing spaces from all comments.
- Feature Engineering:
- Implementation of text vectorization techniques:
- TfidfVectorizer: Computes term frequency-inverse document frequency scores and converts all words to their vectorized scores to be used for model training.
- Creation of custom embeddings using SpaCy and pre-trained word vectors.
- Model Training:
- Evaluation of various machine learning models:
- Logistic Regression
- Random Forest Classifier
- Linear Support Vector Classifier (SVC)
- Application of OneVsRestClassifier for multi-label classification.
- Evaluation Metrics:
- Accuracy
- Precision, Recall, F1-Score (macro/micro/weighted averages)
- Mean column-wise ROC AUC (primary challenge metric)
- Confusion matrix and detailed classification reports
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Machine Learning classification algorithms
- Data visualization for interpretability
To run the notebook, install the following Python libraries:
- pandas
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- spacy
- numpy
- wordcloud
- seaborn
You can install the required libraries with:
pip install pandas nltk matplotlib scikit-learn spacy numpy wordcloud seaborn
Additionally, download the NLTK stopwords and SpaCy language models (if not already installed):
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
and python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the Jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook toxic_comment_classification_challenge.ipynb
Follow the structured steps in the notebook to:
- Preprocess the dataset.
- Explore data through visualizations.
- Train and test models.
- Analyze and interpret performance metrics.
The notebook includes a comprehensive analysis of model performance:
- Detailed metric evaluation for each label.
- Mean column-wise ROC AUC as the key metric to align with the challenge requirements.
- Comparison of model results to identify the best-performing approach.
Potential improvements to the notebook could include:
- Implementing deep learning techniques such as RNNs or Transformers.
- Hyperparameter optimization using grid search or random search.
- Integration of external datasets to enhance model training.
This notebook was inspired by the Toxic Comment Classification Challenge, which aims to improve detection and classification of toxic online content, fostering a safer and more inclusive digital environment.