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This project tests different protocols (AMQP, MQTT, ZEROMQ, KAFKA) simulating high frequency data under 2 different scenarios: edge and cloud. The data flow is the following: image description

  • Scenario 1- IIOT sends data to the edge, it is received by the AI consumer, and it is sent back to the IIOT.

  • Scenario 2- IIOT sends data to the cloud, it is received by the AI consumer, and it is sent back to the IIOT.

  • 4 timestamps are measured:
    1. T1: timestamp when data stream exits IIOT simulator service
    2. T2: timestamp when data stream arrives AI simulator service
    3. T3: timestamp when data stream exits AI simulator service
    4. T4: timestamp when data stream arrives IIOT simulator service

** Sent data stream are composed by int32 type lists. Performed experiments send data streams at different stream rates ([10,20,40] streams/s) and list lentgths, performin 1,4 and 8 Mbytes/s throughput experiments.


  1. IIOT parameters configuration: in the file produce/producer/app/ configure edge and cloud server IPs (cloud_server, edge_server values)

  2. AI parameters configuration: in the file produce/suscriber/app/ configure edge and cloud server IPs (cloud_server, edge_server values)

  3. docker-compose-Final.yml configuration: in the produce/docker-compose-Final.yml: configure the producer and suscriber services environmental variables:

    • PROTOCOL: The wanted protocol to be tested
    • CYCLES: The length in seconds of each experiment
    • SAMPLING_FREQ and LIST_LEN: The wanted combination of data stream rate and length to test (the lists are related one by one)
    • RUNS: List with the start and end iterations of the experiments, ex: [1:10], it will perform 10 times the experiments.
    • BROKER: whether edge or cloud scenario.
    • NUMBER_OF_COMBINATIONS: number of SAMPLING_FREQ and LIST_LEN combinations (=the length of one of the lists)
  4. docker-compose file selection in AI service: select the corresponfing .yml in consume/ folder depending the protocol to be tested. configure the consumer service environmental variables: - BROKER: whether edge or cloud scenario - NUMBER_OF_COMBINATIONS: number of SAMPLING_FREQ and LIST_LEN combinations (=the length of one of the lists) * If kafka is being tested: in KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS environmental variable, set MI_PC_VICOM_HOST://{IP_EDGE_SERVER}:29092, AWS_HOST://{IP_CLOUD_SERVER}:29093

  5. Launch the docker-compose file of the consume/ folder in the edge/cloud server

  6. Launch the docker-compose file of the produce/ folder in the IIOT simulator server

  7. As much as iterations configured at RUNS environmental variable of produce/docker-compose-Final.yml are performed. Results are saved as following:

    • In the produce/results, one folder is created for each of the performed RUNS, ex: results_RUN{RUN_number}_{edge or cloud scenario}. Inside each of theese folders, 3 different files are created associated to each experiment (each protocol/LIST_LEN/SAMPLING_FREQ combination):

      • metadata_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.txt: file containing the metadata of the experiment, with: protocol, data type, data stream length, data stream rate, number of cycles of the experiment.
      • send_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T1 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME1 (T1 timestamp), location (IIOT host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
      • receive_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T4 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME4 (T4 timestamp), SCRIPT_TIME (processing time of the IIOT receive script, it must be substracted later for measuring the real latency and jitter of the protocol), location (IIOT host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
    • In the consume/results, one folder is created for each of the performed iteration, ex: results_RUN{RUN_number}_{edge or cloud scenario}. Inside each of theese folders, 2 different files are created associated to each experiment (each protocol/LIST_LEN/SAMPLING_FREQ combination):

      • process_receive_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T2 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME2 (T2 timestamp), location (AI host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
      • process_send_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T3 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME3 (T3 timestamp), SCRIPT_TIME (processing time of the AI service script, it must be substracted later for measuring the real latency and jitter of the protocol), location (AI host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
  8. Compose down the lanuched docker-compose.yml files, and repeat the process selecting another different protocol.


  • Name of the dataset: IIOT protocols study for high frequency data in the edge and cloud

  • Description: The provided data is the following:


      • Data inside produce/results and consume/results folders contain raw information about the performed experiments.

        • Inside produce/results there are 45 numbered folders containing edge experiments and 45 numbered folders containin cloud experiments, each of them corresponding to 1 iteration. One folder is created for each of the iterations, example: results_RUN{iteration_number}_{edge or cloud scenario}. Inside each of theese folders, 3 different files are created associated to each protocol/data_stream_length/data_stream_rate combination. There are 9 possible combitations, with the following parameters: data_stream_rate: "[10, 20, 40, 10, 20, 40, 10, 20, 40]", data_stream_length: "[25000, 12500, 6250, 100000, 50000, 25000, 200000, 100000, 50000]"
          • metadata_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.txt: file containing the metadata of the experiment, with: protocol, data type, data stream length, data stream rate, number of cycles of the experiment.
          • send_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T1 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME1 (T1 timestamp), location (IIOT host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
          • receive_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T4 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME4 (T4 timestamp), SCRIPT_TIME (processing time of the IIOT receive script, it must be substracted later for measuring the real latency and jitter of the protocol), location (IIOT host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
      • Data inside consume/results and consume/results folders contain raw information about the performed experiments.

        • Inside produce/results there are 45 numbered folders containing edge experiments and 45 numbered folders containin cloud experiments. As the experiments has been performed 45 times, each of the folder contains the same files corresponding to different iterations. One folder is created for each of the performed experiments, ex: results_RUN{id of the experiment}_{edge or cloud scenario}. Inside each of theese folders, 2 different files are created associated to each protocol/data_stream_length/data_stream_rate combination:
          • process_receive_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T2 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME2 (T2 timestamp), location (AI host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)
          • process_send_{protocol}_{experiment_number}.csv: csv containing all the T3 timestamps of the experiment, with: ID (id of each individual data stream in the experiment), TIME3 (T3 timestamp), SCRIPT_TIME (processing time of the AI service script, it must be substracted later for measuring the real latency and jitter of the protocol), location (AI host), metadata_id (id associated to the experiment)

      • experimental_results/ folder contains processed edge and cloud experiment .csv files.
        • experimental_results/{edge or cloud} folder contains 45 .csv numbered files with the following name structure {edge or cloud}_experiments_RUN{iteration_number}.csv. Each of them contain the following extracted metrics and metadata over the raw .csv files:
          • Metrics: mean latency, latency_stdev, mean jitter, jitter_stdev lost_packages, not_ordered_packages.
          • Metadata: protocol (employed protocol), data_type (data type employed in the experiments), list_length (data stream size), sampl_freq (data stream rate), cycles (duration of the experiment), Mbytes/Sec (experiment troughput), Payload(Kbytes) (data stream payload).
        • experimental_results/{edge or cloud}/{edge or cloud}_experiments.csv: This file contains the mean of all the {edge or cloud}_experiments_RUN{id}.csv individual experiment iterations grouped by same protocol/data_stream_length/data_stream_rate combination. This file is employed for visualizing the results. For visualizing them, please refer to the next FOR VISUALIZING THE RESULTS section.
  • Link to download the dataset:

  • Authors: Telmo Fernández De Barrena, Ander García and Juan Luis Ferrando

  • Contact: [email protected]

  • Usage License: This agreement grants the Recipient a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the IIOT protocols high frequency data edge and cloud experiments dataset for internal research and analysis purposes only. Recipient may not distribute, sell, or modify the Dataset without prior written consent from Vicomtech. Recipient agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the Dataset. All intellectual property rights remain with Vicomtech.


  1. Put the produce/results and consume/results in the same PC, in their respective folders.
  2. Run the file, indicating the number of iterations that have been performed (runs variable") and the scenario (broker variable, values: edge or cloud). This script takes all the experiments one by one, and calcuates mean latency, latency_stdev, mean jitter, jitter_stdev, lost_packages, not_ordered_packages, stream payload(Kbytes) metrics of each experiment, creating {edge or cloud}_experiments_RUN{experiment_RUN}.csv files. Moreover, it creates {edge or cloud}_experiments.csv file, being the mean of all the {edge or cloud}_experiments_RUN{experiment_RUN}.csv individual experiments grouped by same protocol/data_stream_length/data_stream_rate combination. This last .csv will be used for visualizing the results. This results are save in experimental_results/{edge or cloud} folder.
  3. Run file, indicating the scenario (broker variable, values: edge or cloud). This script saves plots employing the previously extracted metrics in in experimental_results/{edge or cloud}/all_combinations folder. It groups the plots by same througput.


IIOT protocols study for high frequency data in the edge and cloud dataset






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