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Common C# utilities I have used in personal projects. They slowly get overriden by updated technologies and become stale over time.

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Common utilities and code paths for personal projects.

Supported .NET Ecosystems

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.NET Framework 4.6.2 Latest

Application Values

Provides mapping logic for defining configuration values to a specific desired Type cast or default value. Internally uses the Configuration utility to perform the retrieval and conversion of settings. Can take in custom conversion delegates for casting a settings to a desired Type (i.e. casting a string to a KeyValuePair<string, object>).

To register values

var cache = new ValueCache();

// Register as required and typeof(string) (string is the default type)
cache.RegisterValue("<Setting Name here>");

// Register as required and typeof(int)
cache.RegisterValue("<Setting Name here>", typeof(int));

// Register as not required with a default value when not found
    "<Setting Name here>",
    isRequired: false,
    defaultValue: "<Default Value here>"

// Register with a custom type cast
    "<Setting Name here>",
    isRequired: true,
    s => new AnyType(s) // This can be any delegate returning typeof(AnyType)

To get values from the cache

// Without the type specified, we get an object return
object setting = cache.GetValue("<Setting Name here">);

// With the type specified, we get that type
string settingAsString = cache.GetValue<string>("<Setting Name here>");
int settingAsInt = cache.GetValue<int>("<Setting Name here>");

// Even any custom type assuming the cache is registerd to handle the custom cast
var anyType = cache.GetValue<AnyType>("<Setting Name here>");

If you need to review the registry for a setting

IValueRegistry registry = cache.GetSettingRegistry("<Setting Name here>");

/* IValueRegistry
        Func<string, dynamic> CustomTypeCastFunction { get; set; }
        dynamic Default { get; set; }
        string Name { get; set; }
        bool Required { get; set; }
        Type ValueType { get; set; }


Shim wrapping around ConfigurationManager from System.Configuration. Contains logic for casting string returns from the configuration to other base types such as int and bool. Also provides checks for confirming a setting is present and has a value. Connection strings may also be retrieved through this utility.

Getting settings

string setting = ApplicationSettings.AsString("<Setting Name here>");
int settingAsInt = ApplicationSettings.AsInt("<Setting Name here>");
bool settingAsBool = ApplicationSettings.AsBool("<Setting Name here>");

// Supports template type too though not very extensivly and likely to fail
var anyType = ApplicationSettings.As<AnyType>("<Setting Name here>");

Checking settings

// Check if the setting even exists
ApplicationSettings.HasKey("<Setting Name here>");

// Check if the setting has a value (will also check if the setting exists)
ApplicationSettings.HasValue("<Setting Name here>");

// Throw an exception if the setting is not found
ApplicationSettings.ThrowExceptionIfKeyNotFound("<Setting Name here>");

// Can also see available keys
string[] keys = ApplicationSettings.AllKeys;

// And the raw view of settings
NameValueCollection settings = ApplicationSettings.AppSettings;

Getting connection strings

string connectionString =
    ConnectionStrings.GetConnectionString("<Connection String Name here>");

Checking connection strings

// Check if the connection string exists
ConnectionStrings.HasConnectionString("<Connection String Name here>");

// Throw an exception if the connection string is not found
    "<Connection String Name here>"

// Can also see the raw view of connection strings
ConnectionStringSettingsCollection connectionStrings =


Common logging utility for both writing messages and exceptions to the Windows Event Viewer. Supports formatting exceptions as well.

DISCLAIMER: I advise using other well established libraries such as Serilog for this functionality.

Setting up the Logger

// Via the constructor
ILogger logger = new Logger(
    logSource: "<Log Source>",
    logVerbose: false,
    logExceptionType: EventLogEntryType.Error,
    logMessageType: EventLogEntryType.Information,
    logExceptionId: 1234,
    logMessageId: 1234

// Via property injection
ILogger logger = new Logger
    LogSource = "<Log Source>",
    LogVerbose = false
    LogExceptionType = EventLogEntryType.Error,
    LogMessageType = EventLogEntryType.Information,
    LogExceptionId = 1234,
    LogMessageId = 1234

// Feel free to mix the above two to your heart's content

// You can also make use of the static logger

Logging Exceptions & Messages

var logger = ... // Setup like above

// Log a message (only works when LogVerbose = true)
logger.LogMessage("<Some Message>");

// Log an exception (just does Exception.ToString());
logger.LogException(new Exception());

// Log an exception with some special formatting
logger.LogFormattedException(new Exception());

// Can also log with the StaticLogger
    new Exception(),
    logSource: "<Log Source>",
    logId: 1234,
    logEntryType: EventLogEntryType.Error

// There are default values for some settings as well
    new Exception(),
    logSource: "<Log Source>"
    // logId = 0 by default
    // logEntryType = EventLogEntryType.Error by default

/* General formatted exception layout
Type: <Exception Type>
Message: <Exception Message>
Logged On: <DateTime.Now>
Stack Trace:
<Exception Stack Trace>

Inner Exception:
Type: <Inner Exception Type>
Message: <Inner Exception Message>
Logged On: <DateTime.Now>
Stack Trace:
<Inner Exception Stack Trace>

... Inner-most exception


Common email functionality for sending emails from anyone to anyone. Complete with MailMessage support so CC, BCC, priority, and attachments may also be sent. Will also convert incoming lists / collections of address to a single line for sending properly.

Setting up the Emailer

// Via the constructor
IEmailer emailer = new Emailer(
    smtp: "<SMTP Address here>",
    emailFrom: "<Email From here>",
    emailTo: "<Email To here>",
    subject: "<Subject line here>",
    emailCc: "<Email CC here>",
    emailBcc: "<Email BCC here>",
    priority: MailPriority.Normal,
    attachments: new List<Attachment>()

// Via propery injection
IEmailer emailer = new Emailer
    Smtp = "<SMTP Address here>",
    EmailFrom = "<Email From here>",
    EmailTo = "<Email To here>",
    Subject = "<Subject line here>",
    EmailCc = "<Email CC here>",
    EmailBcc = "<Email BCC here>",
    Priority = MailPriority.Normal,
    Attachments = new List<Attachment>()

// Feel free to mix the above two to your heart's content

// You can also make use of the static emailer

Sending Emails

var emailer = ... // Setup like above

emailer.SendEmail("<Some body here>");

// Change the subject before sending
emailer.Subject = "<New subject>";
emailer.SendEmail("<Some body here>");

// Can also email with the StaticEmailer
    smtp: "<SMTP Address here>",
    emailFrom: "<Email From here>",
    emailTo: "<Email To here>",
    subject: "<Subject line here>",
    body: "<Some body here>",
    emailCc: "<Email CC here>",
    emailBcc: "<Email BCC here>",
    priority: MailPriority.Normal,
    attachments: new List<Attachment>()

// There are default values for some settings as well
    smtp: "<SMTP Address here>",
    emailFrom: "<Email From here>",
    emailTo: "<Email To here>",
    subject: "<Subject line here>",
    body: "<Some body here>"
    // Rest are defaulted

// If you already created a MailMessage
    smtp: "<SMTP Address here>",
    message: new MailMessage()

External Libraries Used


Common C# utilities I have used in personal projects. They slowly get overriden by updated technologies and become stale over time.






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