Github Repo Link:
Heroku Link:
- Enter command "npm i" to grab all dependency libraries and generate node_modules folder
- Copy code from "schema.sql" file and run in sql server to create database
- Change password field to your connection password in config/config.json file
- Run using "node server.js"
- Open local host 8082
- Homepage will render basic "TEST" html page and send post request from front to back end to insert seeds into UserInfo table
- Route /api/userInfo will show JSON data for what is in the UserInfo table
- config/
- config.json: folder containing database connection configuration information generated by sequelize
- models/
- accessEvent.js: uses sequelize to create table for events in which wifihotspots are accessed
- userInfo.js: uses sequelize to create table for all general info about user including login info
- wifiHotspot.js: uses sequelize to create table for wifi hotspot info
- index.js: configuration and setup info for sequelize to recognize models and routes
- public/
- assets/
- script.js:
- test.html:
- assets/
- routes/
- api-routes.js: includes all get, post, delete routes associated with api
- html-routes.js: includes all get, post, delete routes associated with html
- package.json: includes all dependency information
- schema.sql: includes database create commands that user must enter into sql connection
- server.js: main file to run that sets up localserver to listen on