R, Linear Regression, Inferences, Correlation Analysis, Diagnosis, Remedial Measures,, Multiple Linear Regression, Quantitative and Qualitative Predictors, Logistic Regression and Poisson Regression, FIFA 18 Players Wages Prediction, HR Attrition at IBM Prediction.
I took this class in Fall 2017. Each folder is its own project/exercise. Each folder in this repository explores a topic on its own. The projects/exercises are all in R and can be walked through easily. Applied Linear Statistical Models Student reference book was used in this class. Projects in this repository include:
Linear Regression
Inferences in Regression and Correlation Analysis
Diagnosis and Remedial Measures
Simultaneous Inferences and Further Regression Analysis
Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression Review Questions
Regression Models for Quantitative and Qualitative Predictors
Logistic Regression and Poisson Regression
FIFA 18 Players Wages Prediction - Multiple Regression Analysis
- Multiple Regression Model of FIFA 18 Complete Player Dataset - files included:
- Dataset
- First and Final Drafts of the project, in R-Markdown and Word.
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Poster Presentation
- Multiple Regression Model of FIFA 18 Complete Player Dataset - files included:
HR Attrition at IBM Prediction - Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression Model of IBM HR Analytics Employee Attrition & Performance Dataset - files included:
- Dataset
- Project in R-Markdown and Word.
- Logistic Regression Model of IBM HR Analytics Employee Attrition & Performance Dataset - files included:
Feel free to clone this repository and to explore the projects.