#Amazon Price Tracker
A python-based project which tracks the price of an item on amazon and sends a pop-up notification on our phone when the price of the item drops below the desired price. The code runs an infinite loop which breaks only when the price of the item drops below the desired price. The function which checks the price drop runs after a specific amount of time (We have set it as 1 Hour).
Keeping track of price of products in the online sites is not an easy task. Price of products keep on fluctuating and we receive huge discounts during some days of festivals. So, this project helps us by keeping track of price of a product and helps us in buying it at an affordable price.
This project tracks just one product at a time (Which can be listed as one of its limitations).
The same idea can further be developed and be used to keep a track of stock market. Tracking the price of Bitcoin, Gold or even the drops and gains in share markets. It helps the user buy and sell stocks at the right time.
Screen Shots:
#When the Price of the item reaches below your desired Price:
#When the Price of the item is above your desired Price:
#Code runs infinitely (Loops is executed again after specified time) and stops only when the price drops.
Installation and Running of the Program
Before running the program, you will need to install a few modules and a mobile app.
First open your command prompt and install 3 modules by the following commands:
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install requests
pip install pushbullet.py
(On Python3 use pip3)
Now you should install Pushbullet App on your phone and sign in to it (By your Google Account or any other means) and allow the app to show notifications.
Now open the link of product you want to track on Amazon and copy its URL and initialise it to the URL variable defined as a global variable at the top of the program Also set your desired price for the product you are tracking in the desired_price variable.
Now open site of pushbullet (https://www.pushbullet.com/) and sign in with the same account which you used to login on your phone. You will be able to see your phone on the devices tab. Now go to Settings->Account. There under the heading of Access Token you will see an option to "Create Access Token". Copy the generated token and initialize it to the API_KEY variable on the code.
Now just run the code on your terminal by python Amazon_Price_Tracker.py (or python3 Amazon_Price_Tracker.py) The loop which checks the price runs every 60 mins. So, the price is checked every hour and gives notification on phone if the price dropped. Else displays "Price of the Product is still more than the Desired Price." on your terminal.