Septima Search for Spatial Suite (s4) is a search tool.
- The user can search a wide range of public data
- S4 will also search local Spatial Suite data as well as themes, workspaces, profiles, and favorites
Basic installation and test
- Standard tool (Configure everything)
- OneDoor tool (Use OneDoor Server)
Included tools
Search Spatial Suite data
CBInfo parameters
FAQ and Issues
- Latest: v 2.17.0 Correction: v 2.17.0 Correction
- Previous:
- All news letters
Name: S4 - Septima Search for SpatialSuite
Purpose: Septima Search based module for Spatial Map
Author: klavs(AT)
Created: 03-05-2013
Copyright: (c) Septima P/S
License: Commercially licensed product. Please contact Septima to obtain
a valid license.
You are granted the right to download and install this module for
evaluation purposes free of charge.
Contact: Septima P/S
Frederiksberggade 19, 2.
1459 København K
[email protected]
Current version:
<module name="s4" dir="thirdparty/septima/s4" permissionlevel="public"/>
This describes the standard s4 tool. If you want to show OneDoor results please go to OneDoor tool
Copy the standard tool [cbinfo.config.dir]/modules/custom/thirdparty/s4/tools/s4-plugin-dk-all.xml to: [cbinfo.config.dir]/tools/custom/s4-plugin-[your-municipality-code]-all.xml, where the name MUST start with s4-plugin
Add the customized tool to your profile:
<tool dir="custom" name="s4-plugin-[your-municipality-code]-all"/>
The tool will now search all of Denmark. You will need to set the municipality parameter in your tool (See below)
Copy the standard tool [cbinfo.config.dir]/modules/custom/thirdparty/s4/tools/s4-plugin-all.xml to: [cbinfo.config.dir]/tools/custom/s4-plugin-all.xml, where the name MUST start with s4-plugin
Add the customized tool to your profile (panel is optional):
<tool dir="custom" name="s4-plugin-all" [panel="xxx"]/>
S4 will now search themes, profiles, and workspaces. In order to search your local data please see Search Spatial Suite data
Set the municipality parameter in the javascript part of [cbinfo.config.dir]/tools/custom/s4-plugin-[your-municipality-code]-all.xml
- Set the printconfig parameter. The default is rotatet
- Set the blankbehavior parameter. Default is search which searches even when the user hasn't entered a query string
- Set the autofocus parameter. If set, the search input field will get focus immediately meaning the user may start searching right away. Default is false
- set the panel parameter.
//Mellemrums-separeret liste af kommunenumre. '*' søger i alle kommuner. Ellers feks. '101' eller '101 253'.
municipality: '*',
// 'default': same as map-top-right
// 'panel-brand': Force s4 to panel-brand
// 'menu': As the last menu in the menu line
// 'tool': Use the panel as specified in the profile
// 'panel-top': Force s4 to top menu
// 'panel-middle': Force s4 to menu linie (right justified)
// 'map-top-right': SpS 4.1+ only
panel: 'map-top-right',
//Result presentation
// printconfig: standard, full_freetext, rotatet, rotatet_contact or html
// blankbehavior: search or none
// autofocus: true or false. Default is false
// forcedblurOnSelect: Force close of result list. Default is false
// zoomBuffer: Buffer when result is shown in map. Default is '100'
// marginToBottom: Distance between bottom of resultlist and bottom af window. Default is 100
view: {
limit: 20,
blankbehavior: "search",
autofocus: false,
dynamiclayer: 'userdatasource',
infoprofilequery: 'userdatasource',
printconfig: 'rotatet',
forcedblurOnSelect: 'false',
zoomBuffer: '100',
marginToBottom: 100,
placeholder: "Søg"
//Adressesøgning i DAWA
// minimumShowCount: How many adresses should always be shown
dawasearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true, minimumShowCount: 3, showMinimumOnBlank: false},
// Full set of geosearcher targets is: ['kommuner', 'matrikelnumre', 'opstillingskredse', 'politikredse', 'postdistrikter', 'regioner', 'retskredse']
geosearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true, targets: ['matrikelnumre', 'opstillingskredse', 'postdistrikter']},
//Geodatastyrelsen - Stednavne i geosearch
geostednavnesearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true},
//Septima CVR-index
cvrsearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true},
// Full set of targets is ['vedtagetlokalplan', 'kommuneplanramme', 'kommuneplantillaeg', 'lokalplanforslag', 'regionplan', 'byggefelt', 'delområde', 'vedtagetkloakopland', 'mulighedforudtraedenkloakopland', 'zonestatus']
plansearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true, targets: ['vedtagetlokalplan', 'kommuneplanramme', 'kommuneplantillaeg', 'lokalplanforslag', 'regionplan', 'byggefelt', 'delområde', 'vedtagetkloakopland', 'mulighedforudtraedenkloakopland', 'zonestatus']},
//Local SpatialSuite-datasources
// datasources: "*" for all, or space separated names of datasources
// blankbehavior: search or none
indexsearcher: {enabled: false, info: true, print: true, datasources: "*", blankbehavior: "search"},
//Themes in profile
themesearcher: {enabled: true, userThemes: "all", userDrawings: "own", searchDescription: true},
profilesearcher: {enabled: true},
favoritesearcher: {enabled: true},
workspacesearcher: {enabled: true},
// Promote: show history icon in search input
// persist: Remember history between sessions
historysearcher: {enabled: false, promote: true, persist: true},
//SpS projection
// Any other projection than epsg:25832 MUST be defined here
projection_epsg: {code: "epsg:25832", def: "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"}
For each searcher a number of parameters may be set:
- Enable/disable a searcher by setting enabled: true or false
- Info determines whether the user can do a spatial query with a selected feature; info: true or false
- print determines whether it should be possible to open the print dialog; print: true or false
The targets in the geosearcher are changed by editing the targets property.
geosearcher:{enabled: true, info: true, print: true, targets: ['matrikelnumre', 'postdistrikter']},
Select the datasources in which the tool will search (See Search Spatial Suite data). This is controlled in the datasources key in the indexsearcher:
To search all local datasources:
indexsearcher:{enabled: true, info: true, print: true, datasources: "*"}
To search specific datasources:
indexsearcher:{enabled: true, info: true, print: true, datasources: "ds_skoler ds_boligforeninger"}
The targets in the plansearcher are set by editing the targets property.
//Full set of targets is ['vedtagetlokalplan', 'kommuneplanramme', 'kommuneplantillaeg', 'lokalplanforslag', 'regionplan', 'byggefelt', 'delområde', 'vedtagetkloakopland', 'mulighedforudtraedenkloakopland', 'zonestatus']
plansearcher: {enabled: true, info: true, print: true, targets: ['vedtagetlokalplan', 'kommuneplanramme', 'kommuneplantillaeg', 'lokalplanforslag', 'regionplan', 'byggefelt', 'delområde', 'vedtagetkloakopland', 'mulighedforudtraedenkloakopland', 'zonestatus']},
You may create as many tools as you need. To tailor a tool to a specific profile make a copy of your tool and call it s4-plugin-[your-municipality-code]-[profile].xml.
Replace [profile] with the name of the profile in which the customized tool is included.
Add the customized tool to your profile:
<tool dir="custom" name="s4-plugin-[your-municipality-code]-[profile].xml" />
Finished, now try out your profile and the customized search tool
S4 comes with a number of tools included.
All included tools must be included in the profile after the main tool.
Please see the tools section
Searching in local data requires a jar file which is shipped with the s4 module.
Copy the jar file to your Spatial Map site:
- COPY \lib\custom-dk.septima.spatialsuite.index-xx.jar TO \WEB-INF\lib
- REMOVE old versions of the library
The index builder needs a parameter pointing to a folder with index configuration.
For each site you need to create a configuration folder eg.:
You may copy the attached examples
Copy /s4/config-example/* to WEB-INF/config/misc/custom/s4
In cbinfo.xml create a param pointing to the configuration folder
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- S4 Index parameters -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<param name="s4.config.dir">[cbinfo.misc.dir]/custom/s4</param>
Edit [s4.config.dir]/config.xml to include the datasources you want to index:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<datasource id="ds_skoler" presentation="s4-pres-skoler" [iconuri=""]/>
<datasource id="ds_...." presentation="s4-pres-...."/>
<datasource id="ds_...." presentation="s4-pres-...."/>
, where datasource and presentation are mandatory. Optional: Specify a URL to a 20X20 pixel icon for a datasource for a custom icon in the result list.
You may use any existing datasource, but there are good reasons to create specific datasources for indexing:
- Sorting: Search results are sorted first by relevance and secondly by the order in which they are returned from the datasource. It's much quicker to sort directly in a view in the database than in the datasource definition.
- Index performance: Create a datasource based on a view which only selects the necessary columns. (Those that are mentioned in the presentation PLUS geometry)
- The corresponding presentations MUST exist in [s4.config.dir]/presentations/
- The text tag MUST have both a value and a plural
- Each presentation MUST have the following columns
<column format="heading"> : The title when presented as a search result
Maximum length of the title is 255 characters.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<presentation xmlns:fo="">
<text name="overskrift" value="Skole" plural="Skoler"/>
<column format="heading">
<value>skolensnavn</value> <!-- Max 255 chars -->
value and plural are mandatory.
Each presentation MAY have the following columns
<column format="description"> : The description when presented as a search result
<column format="searchstring"> : Text which is indexed and free text queried. This text is not visible to the end user
<column format="hyperlink"> : A link which will be presented directly in the search result
<column format="javascriptlink"> : Javascript which may invoke a function (See examples below)
<column>: Ordinary columns
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<presentation xmlns:fo="">
<text name="overskrift" value="Skole" plural="Skoler"/>
<column format="heading">
<column format="description">
<value>adresse</value> <!-- Max 255 chars -->
<column format="searchstring">
<value>leder + ' ' + adresse + ' ' + hyperlink</value>
<column format="hyperlink">
<label>'Se skolens hjemmeside'</label>
<column format="javascriptlink">
<label>'Alert navnet på skolen1'</label>
<value>'alert("' + skolensnav + '")'</value>
<value>bem + ' klasse ' </value>
When datasources and presentations are configured the search index has to be built
This URL may be called according to your desired workflow and integrated into:
- your data load script
- your start up script, or
- at regular intervals, eg. wget "[YOURSITE]/jsp/modules/s4/buildIndex.jsp" in task/cron scheduler
In some situations you might want to index differently in internal sites vs external sites. Please see
Why use an external database?
- Spatial Map versions prior to 2.7 don't include an embedded database. You must create an external database for the s4 index.
- Your index is too big for the embedded database. An external database will hold indices of any size
In these situations you might want to index In an external database. You may use either postgres og sql server. Please see
These are s4's general CBInfo parameters - Tools may take more params as described in their documentation
These params must be set if you index your own datasources (See Search Spatial Suite data)
<!-- Config folder -->
<param name="s4.config.dir">[cbinfo.misc.dir]/custom/s4</param>
<!-- Index database -->
<param name="module.s4.index.externdb.type">postgis</param>
<param name="module.s4.index.externdb.connect">localhost:5432/data</param>
<param name="module.s4.index.externdb.user">postgres</param>
<param name="module.s4.index.externdb.pwd">postgres</param>
<param name="module.s4.index.externdb.srid">[cbinfo.mapserver.epsg]</param>
These params are optional
<!-- s4.color: Default blue -->
<!-- orange, green or grey -->
<param name="s4.color">orange</param>
<!-- Make detail header small -->
<param name="s4.header.small">true</param>
<!-- Adjust to top bar -->
<param name="s4.input.topbar">True</param>
If you have any questions please consult the s4 wiki at
To report an issue, please go to