A Raspberry Pi-powered e-ink display showing real-time subway arrival times and weather forecasts. Perfect for mounting on your wall to check train times and weather before heading out.
Full Post here.
- Real-time subway arrival times
- Current weather and 3-day forecast
- Debug mode with automatic image preview
- Native e-ink display support on Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi 4b+
- SD Card, power supply, (optionally keyboard, mouse, hdmi cord, etc.)
- Waveshare 9.7inch E-Ink display HAT for Raspberry Pi
- Frame (optional)
- Custom Mat (Optional, but I got mine from AmericanFrame.com)
- Figure out how you're going to connect to the Raspberry Pi
- Install UV
- Enable the SPI interface
- Attach the e-ink display to the Raspberry Pi
To test the display on Raspberry Pi:
git clone https://github.com/sambroner/subway-eink.git
cd subway-eink
uv sync
uv run test.py
- Install uv (if not already installed)
- Install dependencies:
uv sync
- Set up .env file (copy from .env.template)
Running on your wall
- Set up a systemd service
If DEBUG=true
in your .env:
- Images will be saved to
- Your system's default image viewer will automatically open and update with each refresh
- The image viewer will refresh automatically when new data arrives
If DEBUG=false
- On Raspberry Pi: The e-ink display will update
- On other platforms: An error will be raised (e-ink display only works on Raspberry Pi)
To run:
uv run runner.py
- CairoSVG is used to convert SVGs to PNGs for the display.
- On mac, you may need to manually compile Cairo: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36225410/installing-cairo-and-pycairo-mac-osx
Figuring out the right display mode was annoying. The full spec is here.
- Consider checking if the wait time still makes sense and then refresh. E.g. It's 11am. Train Arrives at 11:04 and there's no update. When time turns to 11:01, even if no update, refresh.
- Fix hourly weather... seems like it's only 100% or zero?
- IT8951 library by GregDMeyer: https://github.com/GregDMeyer/IT8951
To have the display start automatically on boot:
sudo systemctl restart subway-eink.service
sudo systemctl stop subway-eink.service
Description=Subway E-Ink Display Service
ExecStart=/path/to/uv run runner.py