mostly harmless is a minimal audio plugin framework for C++20. It's first and foremost a wrapper around the CLAP API, capable of building CLAP, VST3, Audio Unit and Standalone targets.
If you're compiling VST3 targets, the responsibility to ensure you're adhering to the Steinberg VST3 License agreement is firmly on you!
The framework is in active development, alongside some of our own plug-ins, and there are some notable missing features
(resizable gui being one of them..), so if you're thinking of giving it a go, please bare in mind that we're still
working on it.
If you have any questions, the best way to reach me is
via The Audio Programmer Discord, I'm @Meijis.
Documentation is built automatically, and hosted here. For convenience, it also includes the documentation for marvin.
While the framework itself doesn't provide anything in the way of audio helpers ala something like JUCE, it ships with our sibling dsp library marvin, should you need some convenience helpers and basic audio features.
The goal of the framework was to provide the bare minimum we (as in SLM Audio) need to write a plugin - and as such we
don't provide any kind of gui framework of our own.
We do, however, provide a thin wrapper around choc's WebView, and plan to implement
similar minimal wrappers around a couple of other frameworks.
We also provide an interface with hooks for you to implement your framework of choice,
in mostly_harmless::gui::IEditor
Firstly, we'd recommend taking a look in the examples
directory for a real-world use case, and the FX Plugin Tutorial
in the docs directory,
which talks you through some of the framework's core ideas, and how to set up a simple gain plugin project.
We also provide a (wip) python script to generate the boilerplate needed for a new project for you, found in the root
Usage is
python3 <name> <dest_path> <fx | instrument> [no_gui | web | raw_gui]
where <>
denotes a required field, and []
denotes an optional field. The final field, for gui, if not provided, will
default to no_gui
I realise it's a little janky at the moment having positional args instead of the usual --some_flag=something
approach, and plan to refactor it to be a little more user friendly in future.
mostly harmless is built with CMake, and supports Windows and macOS (Linux support is on the roadmap). It can be consumed either as a git submodule, or as a FetchContent dependency.
GIT_TAG main
We provide a convenience function to set up your plugin targets, mostly_harmless_add_plugin
This function will create targets for the specified formats, and link them to the necessary dependencies. Note that if
you specify the AU format, a few more arguments become neccessary - the arguments are detailed below.
FORMATS CLAP # REQUIRED - At least one of: CLAP, VST3, AU or Standalone
ID "com.whatever" # REQUIRED - The ID for your plugin
FEATURES "audio-effect" # REQUIRED - The CLAP features your plugin uses. [1]
VERSION "1.0.0" # OPTIONAL - Your plugin's verson.
DESCRIPTION "We are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine" # OPTIONAL
# - A description for your plugin
URL "" # OPTIONAL - A link to your website.
MANUAL_URL "" # OPTIONAL - A link to your manual.
SUPPORT_URL "" # OPTIONAL - A link to your support page.
NEEDS_NOTE_IN_BUS FALSE # OPTIONAL, DEFAULTS TO FALSE - Whether your plugin accepts midi/note input.
NEEDS_NOTE_OUT_BUS FALSE # OPTIONAL, DEFAULTS TO FALSE - Whether your plugin produces midi/note output.
NEEDS_AUDIO_IN_BUS TRUE # OPTIONAL, DEFAULTS TO TRUE - Whether your plugin accepts audio input.
NEEDS_AUDIO_OUT_BUS TRUE # OPTIONAL, DEFAULTS TO TRUE - Whether your plugin produces audio output.
VENDOR "YourCompany" # REQUIRED FOR AU, OPTIONAL OTHERWISE - The name of your company.
AU_BUNDLE_ID "com.yourcompany.plugin" # REQUIRED FOR AU, UNUSED OTHERWISE - A company id for the AU bundle.
MANUFACTURER_CODE "Brat" # REQUIRED FOR AU, UNUSED OTHERWISE - Your unique 4 character manufacturer code.
SUBTYPE_CODE "Bpi1" # REQUIRED FOR AU, UNUSED OTHERWISE - A 4 character identifier for your plugin.
AU_TYPE "aufx" # REQUIRED FOR AU, UNUSED OTHERWISE - The AU plugin type for your plugin. [2]
will create several targets based on the arguments provided to the FORMATS
Internally, we create a static library named based on the value you provide to the YourTarget
argument, with linkage
to the library dependencies, and then link our format targets to that -
so after the call to mostly_harmless_add_plugin
, the usual cmake rules and techniques apply to the shared
For example, to add some sources to the target:
target_sources(YourTarget PRIVATE
[1] - See here for a full list of
available features.
[2] - These are the au specific 4 letter idents you get when you scan with auval - options are as follows:
aufx - audio effect
aufc - format converter
augn - audio generator
aumi - midi processor
aumx - mixer
aumu - music device
aumf - music effect
auol - offline effect
auou - output
aupn - panner
We also provide a helper to embed assets into your binary, (essentially sugar around CMRC
) and a corresponding cmake
function to call
this, mostly_harmless_add_binary_data
This will create a static library called BinaryData
containing your resources, and add the resulting header to your
include path.
The value you pass to the TARGET_NAME
parameters will dictate the name of the generated static library, the resulting
filename (prefixed by mostly_harmless
and the namespace the binary resources are contained in (also prefixed by mostly_harmless
The generated header provides a free function, getNamedResource()
to access binary resources through, which takes a (
relative to root) path to a resource, and returns a std::optional<BinaryResource>
where BinaryResource
is defined as:
struct BinaryResource final {
const char* data;
size_t size;
If the queried resource isn't found, getNamedResource()
will return std::nullopt
As mentioned above, the pathing to the resource is relative to the value you passed to the ROOT
parameter in CMake.
For example, for a dir structure
is set to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources
, then to access BottomText.png
auto resourceOpt = mostly_harmless::BinaryData::getNamedResource("images/BottomText.png");
A full usage example then:
#include <mostlyharmless_BinaryData.h>
int main() {
auto bottomText = mostly_harmless::BinaryData::getNamedResource("images/BottomText.png");
auto [imgData, imgSize] = *bottomText; // const char*, size_t
auto placeholder = mostly_harmless::BinaryData::getNamedResource("text/Placeholder.txt");
auto [textData, textSize] = *placeholder;
return 0;
You're not limited to a single library of binary resources either, which could be useful for separating resources of a different category or purpose into different headers, etc etc etc.
We've included the boilerplate for various projects in the boilerplate
directory - these should serve as a good
starting point for your plugin sources.
As previously mentioned, you can also check out the examples
directory for more inspiration.
mostly harmless depends on the following libraries:
- marvin (and its dependencies)
- clap, clap-helpers, clap-wrapper
- choc
- cmrc
- fmtlib
- json
- catch2
This framework wouldn't exist without the advice, moral support and help of mthierman, Ben Vining, Signalsmith and the legions of incredible people in The Audio Programmer Discord.
SLM Audio Brat Summer 2024, all rights reserved.