The effort in REDHAWK 2.2.8 focused on:
- EOS condition is reported correctly for all connections when an incoming stream receives an EOS flag.
- Rate in header for zero-rate SDDS headers is ignored
- Resolved issue when adding a new stream to an attachable port that would cause a program to segfault.
- Exiting a python sandbox session will now properly terminate a resource's processes started during the session that threw
The following fixes were completed in REDHAWK 2.2.8:
Core Framework Fixes
- The application object updates the property on the correct component when one component's name is a substring of another component
- Slow-startup devices no longer cause issues for the Python sandbox
- Removed vendor check for Java
IDE Fixes
- Null pointer fixed and doesn't occur any longer
Special Resolution
The following previously reported Known Issues have been closed in REDHAWK 2.2.8 with the following resolutions:
IDE Special Resolutions
- This has been fixed. The behavior no longer exists as stated in defect.