A YottaDB dashboard plugin for Linux Cockpit
Database Free Count
YottaDB Process
Journal file list and size
YottaDB active network ports
Database lock list and release options
Assuming working Cockpit and YottaDB installations:
Clone this repo:
cd /usr/local
git clone https://github.com/RamSailopal/YottaDB-Cockpit.git
cd /usr/local/YottaDB-Cockpit
Amend the file envfile and set the variable yotta_inst to the directory where the executable ydb is installed
Stop Cockpit:
sudo systemctl stop cockpit
Setup the YottaDB plugin directory:
mkdir /usr/share/cockpit/yottadb
cp /usr/local/YottaDB-Cockpit/* /usr/share/cockpit/yottadb/
Restart Cockpit:
sudo systemctl start cockpit