- Rahul Theresaraj
- Dr. Phu Phung
- Dr. Ahmed El Ouadrhiri
Source code repository (private access):
Date | Version | Description |
DD/MM/YYYY | 0.0 | Init draft |
- In recent years, there is an emerging technology in the tech field known as Tiny Federated Learning, TFL for short. The TFL is derived from insertion of two machine learning fields which are TinyML and Federated Learning. TinyML is deployment of machine learning models on resource-constrained devices, such as microcontrollers and low-powered embedded systems. These have limited computational capabilities i.e, low processing power, memory and energy resources which makes it difficult to run models with large dataset and Federated learning is a machine learning approach that allows multiple devices or servers to train a model while preserving data on the local devices. The TFL approach enables federated learning on small embedded devices with low computational resources.
- Tiny Federated learning also known as TFL is an approach that deals with the intersection of two fields, each field has its challenges and together few of the challenges can be adapted. But it's still has few challenges that are yet to be resolved and those challenges in TFL are determining the Bandwidth communication or Bandwidth range and effective communication, As the federated learning model requires lot of computational resources as it deals with larger dataset and models, To use that in a embedded device is like going overboard and to send data or update to the server from an embedded device might result in loss of data while transmission, so it necessary to predict an estimated bandwidth to optimize communication efficiency.
- The Main motivation of this project is to determine the estimated bandwidth communication in Tiny federated learning and depending on the estimated bandwidth, the communication cost can be reduced to further evolve the bandwidth range.
- A new approach called Federated Learning has been introduced, where only learning parameters of Deep Neural Network (DNN) are required to be communicated between the central server and the participants.
- Research in the fields of machine learning and embedded systems known as "TinyML" focuses on the kinds of models that may be used on compact, low-power hardware, such as microcontrollers. It provides edge devices with low-latency, low-power, and low-bandwidth model inference. The goal of this research is to develop a machine learning model that can be used in low-power, low-memory embedded devices, although it is extremely unlikely that this model can be implemented in such a device due to its high memory and compute requirements. We utilize the best model that can be used to operate it on a small edge device or an embedded device from the result of our study into the best machine learning model for embedded devices. The Scope of the project is to create a machine learning model that can be deployed and utilized to gather data from embedded devices like an Arduino or Bluefruit device. Also try this concept on various devices that gather data and deliver it to a single cloud server.
- This project source code has been cloned from another author(https://github.com/KarhouTam/FL-bench), I am using this source code of Federated Averaging to estimate bandwidth communication..
open the terminal and run these commands
Clone the repository into a local machine using:
git clone https://github.com/RahulTheresaraj/Tiny-Federated-Learning.git
Go to the folder
cd Tiny-Federated-Learning
Install these dependencies before running the file:
pip install torch
pip install torch-vision
pip install visdom
pip install path
Install the dataset CIFAR10 dataset
cd data/utils
python run.py -d cifar10 -a 0.1 -cn 100
The command above splits the CIFAR-10 dataset into into 100 subset for 100 clients according to the Dirichlet partitioning(0.1)
To run this progran from Tiny-Federated-Learning folder
- Server :
python src/server/fedavg.py
- To Monitor the federated learning:
Run 'python -m visdom.server' on terminal
Go check 'localhost:8097' on your browser
Here, The main objective was to build an estimation of Bandwidth,
The mathematical formula to estimate bandwidth in Federated Averaging is W * C * R
- W is the model update size
- C is number of clients
- R is number of Communication Rounds, which is the number of times the model update is sent to the server.
Using the Source code, we find the model update is stored in tensors and we convert the tensors to bytes as we need model update in bytes,
- example, we have a tensor in format of size
and to convert that to bytes by taking product of the tensor size value100*100*32
which is320000
and this is in float32 format so we multiply that by4
, we get1280000 bytes
as model update size. - If we consider number of clients as
and number of epoch or communication rounds as100
. we get, -- Bandwidth =1280000
bytes *100
clients *100
Rounds =12800000000 bytes
. - But Bandwidth is estimated in megabyte's. So,
-- Bandwidth in MB = Bandwidth in bytes/(
1024 *1024
) =12207.03 MB
Here, In this project the client sends out model update in form of delta tensors, which is the newly updated parameters in the form of tensor after training to the server.
I have implemented Bandwidth estimator script that takes in the required values to estimate bandwidth for Federated Averaging.
The bandwidth estimation is done by taking the delta update as model size and communication rounds as global epoch and number of clients is the given value when you download the dataset,python run.py -d cifar10 -a 0.1 -cn 100
. The cn represents number of clients that has a value 100, so select number of clients you want to test before downloading your dataset.
I tested out using number of clients has 1 and got the follwoing output:
Duration: 01/09/2023 - 01/20/2023
- Project Plan.
- Research on TinyML.
- Research on ML Models.
Duration: 01/21/2023 - 02/15/2023
- Research on how TinyML works.
- Research on various implementation of TInyML
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 02/16/2023 - 03/01/2023
- Research on Federated learning
- Research on Different Algorithms on Federated learning
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 03/02/2023 - 03/28/2023
- Research on optimizating communication in Federated learning
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 03/29/2023 - 04/16/2023
- Analyzing the source code.
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 04/17/2023 - 04/30/2023
- Analyzing the source to check dataset and communication.
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 05/01/2023 - 05/17/2023
- Working on the code to check communication of data from client and server.
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 05/18/2023 - 05/31/2023
- Researching on Bandwidth communication in Federated learning
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 06/01/2023 - 06/11/2023
- What are different research used using bandwidth in federated learning
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 06/12/2023 - 06/25/2023
- Building a Bandwidth estimator code.
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 06/26/2023 - 07/02/2023
- analyzing the bandwidth estimator to know how it works
- Rahul Theresaraj,
Duration: 07/03/2023 - 07/25/2023
- analysing the code what it takes in for model update.
- Succesful implementaion of Bandwidth estimation.
- Rahul Theresaraj,